My Experience Testing

"I have received only 12 leads so far, but I have spoken to each one, and they have been very receptive and pleasant to talk with. Each one was expecting my call."

100% contact rate and all are receptive. I have a feeling you are fibbing...or you know something that the rest of us don't.

"Contact" rate is nice, but there's all kinds of sick and broke folks out there that will talk to you all day long...

Return on investment is where the rubber meets the road.
For those who say the Ehealth link is not an issue... What if Prospect Zone (picking on them as an example) also sold Health Insurance and had a link to APPLY and only took direct apps and ALSO sold the lead?

Others may have different experience, but here's my data with a universe of 268 internet leads.

91 - no link to e-health, ROI 6:47:1
177 - link to e-health, ROI 14.66:1

I believe it's filters that make the difference.
Others may have different experience, but here's my data with a universe of 268 internet leads.

91 - no link to e-health, ROI 6:47:1
177 - link to e-health, ROI 14.66:1

I believe it's filters that make the difference.

Okay, I'll bite. What do the three numbers represent Paul?
You are saying he called each of the 14 leads 66 times and sold one deal? That is what just under 1000 dials for one deal? What am I reading wrong?
91 leads, no eHealth link.

ROI $647 commission for every $100 spent on leads.

177 leads with eHealth link

ROI $1466 for every $100 lead cost