My Medicare Advantage Experience Thus Far...

I don't know you but I am glad to see someone that is already experiencing the only message we were trying to get across to help other agents.

I am sure if you took your number of clients and multiplied it by approx 20 dollars per month that would be your monthly renewal number every month... would that assumption be correct?

You do know "of" me, you just don't know it! LOL. Tubbs group, MI, 2009ish. But Ya, those numbers are really close. One of my companies paid the entire year in one check. They claim it was a cms thing..... I don't know but that was a surprise.
Not my point... Great money while you are working but If you have to recertify to be paid, you cannot count on it for retirement or as a legacy to your family like vested renewals.

There are ways around that, incorporating and having a family member certify is one. That should be the least of your issues
You do know "of" me, you just don't know it! LOL. Tubbs group, MI, 2009ish. But Ya, those numbers are really close. One of my companies paid the entire year in one check. They claim it was a cms thing..... I don't know but that was a surprise.

whats up Kev how have you been?
its been a long time we should catch up some time and shoot the breeze... i hope all is well with you and your family...