- 19,813
I don't think it is $30 per lead, at least it is not for me, I am paying $24 I think. At any rate, yes Rizzle you will pay your first set of leads up front, then expect to wait quite a while for them to trickle in while they supposedly learn your area. Take it from an objective person in his first couple of months with Equita. The good things about EFES that I have found: their training is really helpful, they do three conference calls a week answering questions and bringing in top agents who give their secrets and how they make it work. VERY informative. Negatives, you will feel like a captive agent, the leads will be very slow, and there will be many things you shake your head at, if you are like me. If you are just starting out it will be next to impossible to come out of the gate and try and convince people who think they are getting info on a free government program, to tell them that there is no such thing and then try and get them to commit to spending $50 a month on life insurance in one appointment. I know there are techniques and some are very good at it, I just haven't gotten there yet, and meanwhile I am losing money fast. And it doesn't help when the leads I am getting are older than promised. I am constantly told they are sent out first class, sent back first class, thereby only allowing only couple of days from the time the client sends it in to the time it is uploaded and you can call them. EVERYONE I have asked so far has said it was at least a month, with one lady saying it was at least 2 months since she filled out the card and she bought other insurance in the mean time! I just don't get it.
"Objective"?? I think not. Look, you have gotten over 30 leads from EFES and made only one sale. You complain about the people already having insurance when you should be glad they do. You asked your manager for help and he gave it to you and it was near the end of the week. You said you would just wait till the next week to "get a fresh start".
What difference does it make how long ago they sent in the card? How do you even know? I've never asked a prospect how long it was. Just this week I sold one from a lead that I've had since Nov. I had spoken to him and never could get together when I was in his area. I sold another that I had the lead since Oct. Never had been able to reach him until this week. You are making issues out of nothing.
You need to do a mailer of your own with a differnet company and then get on here and tell us how great you are doing with that. Objectively, of course.

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