No Questions Asked Insurance (Term, Graded, Etc.)

Far from arrogant and retarded, but to each their own.

I simply commented on your choice of words, that imply you worry about your wallet first. You are the one that took straight up the arse.

Not from where I'm standing you're not! Yes, I think about my wallet first, thanks for noticing! I did not vote for Brobama and I am not on this earth to give my income to those who refuse to work as hard or smart as I do. If you don't like my "me & mine first" mentality, I don't really care. Your opinion means about as much to me as the life of a cockroach, less actually.
Yes I can definitely tell how my opinion hasn't effected you!

BTW- you're standing in the wrong spot then, take a step sideways.

Not from where I'm standing you're not! Yes, I think about my wallet first, thanks for noticing! I did not vote for Brobama and I am not on this earth to give my income to those who refuse to work as hard or smart as I do. If you don't like my "me & mine first" mentality, I don't really care. Your opinion means about as much to me as the life of a cockroach, less actually.
Yes I can definitely tell how my opinion hasn't effected you!

BTW- you're standing in the wrong spot then, take a step sideways.
At least when I take take a step sideways, it's to the right. Of course a Lefty like you probably wouldn't understand!
I didn't mean to get a bunch of stuff started with my reply. I know Tampa Teddy to be a good guy. We all need to do business to stay in business.

I do occasionally send people to MoO even though I can't write it. I did one today. I would certainly do it in this case if that meant I did get to write the wife. Every time I have reffered someone out to MoO, it has come back to me in some manner. Be it a refferal from the person or a refferal from the agent that I send it to.

I see now that the guy is only 42 years old. He doesn't qualify for MoO. Presidential starts at age 40, that may be the way to go. LH would alos take him on their modified. It's pretty close to GI.
No biggie. Tampa was the one that took it to heart so seriously. The ones that tend to fire back the way he did, I have found are generally the ones that are guilty of the implication/accusation. **shrugs**

I'm just not too keen right now on people that seem to analyze something first to see how it's going to look to their bank account, before deciding what action to take. I have a prospect, on dialysis, was called by an agent recently and when told what his conditions were, the agent told he he will never get coverage anywhere. Period. Not true, Pres will take him. So I am guessing when this agent figured he wouldn't be able to write him a regular policy, wrote him a $300k ADB policy. Well this last week, I called to talk to prospects POA, to find out that while in his dialysis session, he went into cardiac arrest. He's been in the hospital since.

The thing that ran thru my mind was had he not stabilized, this policy wouldn't have done jack for his family. His POA had given me the agents name the first time I talked to her, so I looked him up, he's not res-licensed in my state and we don't have a non-res data-base. So I looked him up on MD's non-res data-base, and found out that he's an agent with EFinancial, and located in IL, which if he has Presidential, he couldn't have written anyways, because it's f2f only.

So now, even though they want to cancel that policy and get him a regular policy, he can't right now, because he's in the hospital and can't walk at the moment.

So, I have a little problem with people, like I said, that seem to look at ways that a situation is going to benefit them first, before what may truly be right for someone else. FYI- it's not just in the career that this irks me, it's in all aspects of life. It's called being ethical.

I didn't mean to get a bunch of stuff started with my reply. I know Tampa Teddy to be a good guy. We all need to do business to stay in business.

I do occasionally send people to MoO even though I can't write it. I did one today. I would certainly do it in this case if that meant I did get to write the wife. Every time I have reffered someone out to MoO, it has come back to me in some manner. Be it a refferal from the person or a refferal from the agent that I send it to.

I see now that the guy is only 42 years old. He doesn't qualify for MoO. Presidential starts at age 40, that may be the way to go. LH would alos take him on their modified. It's pretty close to GI.
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No biggie. Tampa was the one that took it to heart so seriously. The ones that tend to fire back the way he did, I have found are generally the ones that are guilty of the implication/accusation. **shrugs**

I'm just not too keen right now on people that seem to analyze something first to see how it's going to look to their bank account, before deciding what action to take. I have a prospect, on dialysis, was called by an agent recently and when told what his conditions were, the agent told he he will never get coverage anywhere. Period. Not true, Pres will take him. So I am guessing when this agent figured he wouldn't be able to write him a regular policy, wrote him a $300k ADB policy. Well this last week, I called to talk to prospects POA, to find out that while in his dialysis session, he went into cardiac arrest. He's been in the hospital since.

The thing that ran thru my mind was had he not stabilized, this policy wouldn't have done jack for his family. His POA had given me the agents name the first time I talked to her, so I looked him up, he's not res-licensed in my state and we don't have a non-res data-base. So I looked him up on MD's non-res data-base, and found out that he's an agent with EFinancial, and located in IL, which if he has Presidential, he couldn't have written anyways, because it's f2f only.

So now, even though they want to cancel that policy and get him a regular policy, he can't right now, because he's in the hospital and can't walk at the moment.

So, I have a little problem with people, like I said, that seem to look at ways that a situation is going to benefit them first, before what may truly be right for someone else. FYI- it's not just in the career that this irks me, it's in all aspects of life. It's called being ethical.

I hate to break it to you but it isnt that agents fault that this guy has a chronic health condition or that he is now in the hospital. Just because you have an insurance license that doesnt mean that you automatically know about every company doing business. Is it really the agents fault that FE might not be his primary market.

Yes that situation sucks but get used to it you will see it everyday, take my advice and dont waste your time looking up every agents credentials.

BTW just because Presidential would have taken him that doesnt mean that it would have paid or that it even would have been worth it.
No biggie. Tampa was the one that took it to heart so seriously. The ones that tend to fire back the way he did, I have found are generally the ones that are guilty of the implication/accusation. **shrugs**

You still don't get it do you? Yes I take things to heart when I'm insulted, especially by someone who assumes they have the right to designate themselves as my conscience. Guess what? You don't!

You took the first shot at me with your comment of:

Well I am sure that's comforting to your clients!! Way to do the best thing for your client!

If you still don't get it, seek professional help!