Noemi Ortega, Jay Crockett and Senior Life [Warning]


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@Jaymon and his ex-wife are not to be trusted.

I contacted Jay As a friend for a professional introduction to the leadership at Senior life. I was looking to have a conversation about what they have to offer, not work under or be recruited by Jay.

After a conversation with Jay and the leadership at Senior life It was clear there was a major misunderstanding. I reached out to the vice president of Senior life and respectfully stated I was not interested in working under or with Jay.

Later, I chose the contract under a different RVP to see if what they offered truly benefited the agent and others. Yesterday afternoon I received an email that I was transferred under Jay's agency. It appears that when I asked him for a professional introduction to the leader ship at Senior life he placed "Dibbs" on me which gave him the right to claim me no matter who I affiliate myself with at Senior life.

I am at no point was given any knowledge that such a thing could take place. I have no point wanted to work with Or under Jay or his agency. If I knew I could be transferred without my permission I would've never contracted with this insurance company.

I feel the actions that took place here were unethical, unprofessional and a perfect example of how disgusting the industry can be at times.

I would never recommend doing business with Jay Crockett, safekeeping agency his ex-wife or Senior life.
@Jaymon and his ex-wife are not to be trusted.

I contacted Jay As a friend for a professional introduction to the leadership at Senior life. I was looking to have a conversation about what they have to offer, not work under or be recruited by Jay.

After a conversation with Jay and the leadership at Senior life It was clear there was a major misunderstanding. I reached out to the vice president of Senior life and respectfully stated I was not interested in working under or with Jay.

Later, I chose the contract under a different RVP to see if what they offered truly benefited the agent and others. Yesterday afternoon I received an email that I was transferred under Jay's agency. It appears that when I asked him for a professional introduction to the leader ship at Senior life he placed "Dibbs" on me which gave him the right to claim me no matter who I affiliate myself with at Senior life.

I am at no point was given any knowledge that such a thing could take place. I have no point wanted to work with Or under Jay or his agency. If I knew I could be transferred without my permission I would've never contracted with this insurance company.

I feel the actions that took place here were unethical, unprofessional and a perfect example of how disgusting the industry can be at times.

I would never recommend doing business with Jay Crockett, safekeeping agency his ex-wife or Senior life.

They [ SL ] explain that that is their way to stop all the contract whores.

But - just like the big Agency that they brought on, they have no morals or ethics . . .
@Jaymon and his ex-wife are not to be trusted.

I contacted Jay As a friend for a professional introduction to the leadership at Senior life.

Later, I chose the contract under a different RVP to see if what they offered truly benefited the agent and others. Yesterday afternoon I received an email that I was transferred under Jay's agency.

I feel the actions that took place here were unethical, unprofessional and a perfect example of how disgusting the industry can be at times.

So lemme see if I got this straight.

You called your "Friend" Jay for help/advice/etc...
When you were placed under his agency, you were offended.. how dare they!
So Jay was supposed to just help you compete against him and his agency?

Now you bash him on a public forum... he's a bad person?
As long as your contract level is unchanged, why would you object being placed in the downline of a friend that you felt comfortable approaching to make introductions to senior management? I would expect that a friend would be rewarded for making the introductions if I later decided to contract.
@Jaymon and his ex-wife are not to be trusted.

I contacted Jay As a friend for a professional introduction to the leadership at Senior life. I was looking to have a conversation about what they have to offer, not work under or be recruited by Jay.

After a conversation with Jay and the leadership at Senior life It was clear there was a major misunderstanding. I reached out to the vice president of Senior life and respectfully stated I was not interested in working under or with Jay.

Later, I chose the contract under a different RVP to see if what they offered truly benefited the agent and others. Yesterday afternoon I received an email that I was transferred under Jay's agency. It appears that when I asked him for a professional introduction to the leader ship at Senior life he placed "Dibbs" on me which gave him the right to claim me no matter who I affiliate myself with at Senior life.

I am at no point was given any knowledge that such a thing could take place. I have no point wanted to work with Or under Jay or his agency. If I knew I could be transferred without my permission I would've never contracted with this insurance company.

I feel the actions that took place here were unethical, unprofessional and a perfect example of how disgusting the industry can be at times.

I would never recommend doing business with Jay Crockett, safekeeping agency his ex-wife or Senior life.

If I read your post correctly, you're saying you and your friend Jay met up at the home office so you could see everything with your own eyes, correct? I seriously doubt Jay would take the time and expense to fly down to the home office and meet you unless you were going to be on his team. I don't think anyone in their right mind would do that.

I believe you were planning to be on Jay's team and then came across some other mgr. that offered you 5% more, and now you're trying to wiggle out and screw Jay over. Is that how you treat your friends?

I might be wrong but this is just the way it all sounds to me. Jay and his upline are great people. It's a shame someone can come on a forum and spew inaccuracies. Besides, haven't you bashed SL a few times previously on this forum?
If I said
So lemme see if I got this straight.

You called your "Friend" Jay for help/advice/etc...
When you were placed under his agency, you were offended.. how dare they!
So Jay was supposed to just help you compete against him and his agency?

Now you bash him on a public forum... he's a bad person?

so let's make it clear I had friendly conversations with this person quite often. Never implied I was interested in working with him. In fact he even came and did a ride along with me a few years ago. He clearly misunderstood the intention, and then attempted to manipulate it for his gain.
As long as your contract level is unchanged, why would you object being placed in the downline of a friend that you felt comfortable approaching to make introductions to senior management? I would expect that a friend would be rewarded for making the introductions if I later decided to contract.

you would be OK if you were removed from somebody you chose the contract with and put under somebody else without your permission?
I believe you were planning to be on Jay's team and then came across some other mgr. that offered you 5% more, and now you're trying to wiggle out and screw Jay over. Is that how you treat your friends?
I had no interest in working with Jay, he could've offered double the contract level and that was not my intention in the conversation.