North American Senior Benefits

Lol. Nice.

It's actually really funny, I've got a good buddy that's with nasb. He sounds EXACTLY like the poster who recently quit. He says, "really, it's like a family!!"

When I said, "my family would never take 45% of my commission just to let me hang out with them," he fired back with the old, "120% of 0 is zero" thing.

It's Manson gang over there, man. He was touting the nasb $23 leads, and I told him he could get that from about forty different sources withOUT surrendering a ton of commission. He paused, for a long time. It was like that didn't seem possible to him.

Then he said, "yeah, but they probably are really poor quality".

I give up.

This made me ROTFLMAO:D:D:D
I been reading all the comments here and Ill say that alot are very accurate and some are kind of funny. Ill post this hopefully it helps other agents looking to get started with NASB.
Ill start by saying that i was with NASB for a little over a year and I was consider one of their top producers ( I was going to be a feature speaker at their last conference in May) When I started everything was great I really enjoyed the team atmosphere we had with our group. Around February everything completely changed.
First it was leads.... We realized that they were selling alot of duplicate leads and I had agents from my own team competing against each other for prospects. When we brought it up to managements attentions we were asked to keep it quiet and to do everything possible to keep the team motivated and not focus on the fact.
Second Overrides I started recruiting and building team only to find out that alot of my override commission were going to my upline and not me. They were actually skipping two generations. When I complained about that I was told that I was focusing my attention on the small stuff and not seeing the big picture and to quit being a cancer. Needless to say I left and didnt want anything to do with them

Third and the most troubling is that after I left NASB contacted the carriers I had and had them terminate my contract and immediately put me and my team on Vector to try to stop us from getting contracted with any other company. They Know very well that I have a stay at home wife and two kids that depend on me and they try to completely ruin my career in the insurance industry

When you are with them they will tell you that you are the best and that they will always have your back, but as soon as you are not putting money in their pocket they will do a lot to ruin your career. That's when you see the REAL NASB. Even with all this ill say that there are lot of really good people that work with NASB that I still consider friends unfortunately the ALOT of the management cant be trusted

So sorry to hear. This is very discouraging. With the Milner family reputation you would have thought that NASB would not gain this kind of reputation, let alone so fast. However in my opinion (I have been in this industry for almost 10 years and have run my own sizable agency) I feel like they have people that are agency managers that have no business recruiting and trying to run a team or agency. I don't know the 2 recent guys that made minority partners very well, but from what I've gathered most of their top 110% and now 115% contract guys have never really had enough industry experience to know how to properly run their organizations. It seems they are mass recruiting all the way to the top and don't know how to delegate to the right people or how to delegate at all. From what I have heard Craig was just a top producer at some little IMO with a few guys under him, and then a brief stint at Securus with a small group of guys, so it seems that backed by Chads money and him not having any formal training, or mentor to teach him how to build a proper business prior to forming NASB could be the problem. I could be wrong, but that's what it seems with all the problems I'm hearing about for such a young company. Only other thing outside that could be greed. I'm not calling anyone greedy, but I have seen it happen to too many good people.

Did you try to take the loss of override commissions issue or any issue to Chad? Seems like he would be the guy to ask for help since they are adiment about protecting the company reputation.
I don't know any of the people at NASB. Could be great people or could be the worst, I don't know.

But the problem with agencies like that is the recruiting and multi level marketing model. All agents should have the choice to sign up at 110% and 115% contracts. No exceptions. If the agent wants more handholding to get started it should be HIS choice and he could be put under a good producer that can actually help him. The time frame for the agent to get trained and get to the street level of 110-115% should be well spelled out. There should never be layer after layer of middle-men between the agent and street level contracts.

Quality training as a group should be expected with no reduction of contracts. Daily calls are excessive and counter-productive and ALL calls should be optional not required.

If an agent is promised A-leads he should be sold A-Leads. B-Leads should be well defined and cheap, cheap, cheap. No agent should be sold B-Leads unless that's exactly what he requested (due to the cheap price for them.)

If an agency is run right they can give releases freely if an agent wants to leave because few will. If you have to hold agents against their will, you are running a bad agency.

My 2-cents.
They are taking "captive" a lil too literal. Lighten up's no secret that you suck, but there's no need in trying to ruin people's lives/careers. Straighten your structure up & maybe you can save your sinking ship......Good luck with that.
I don't know any of the people at NASB. Could be great people or could be the worst, I don't know.

But the problem with agencies like that is the recruiting and multi level marketing model. All agents should have the choice to sign up at 110% and 115% contracts. No exceptions. If the agent wants more handholding to get started it should be HIS choice and he could be put under a good producer that can actually help him. The time frame for the agent to get trained and get to the street level of 110-115% should be well spelled out. There should never be layer after layer of middle-men between the agent and street level contracts.

Quality training as a group should be expected with no reduction of contracts. Daily calls are excessive and counter-productive and ALL calls should be optional not required.

If an agent is promised A-leads he should be sold A-Leads. B-Leads should be well defined and cheap, cheap, cheap. No agent should be sold B-Leads unless that's exactly what he requested (due to the cheap price for them.)

If an agency is run right they can give releases freely if an agent wants to leave because few will. If you have to hold agents against their will, you are running a bad agency.

My 2-cents.

As always, Scott hits it outta the ball park.
yes well put, I agree with everything you said! I have always been against putting agents in a down line situation at 55 to 90% contracts. It is stupid the way several of these multi level IMO's try to teach and sell you on building depth. Its a smart concept of having layers of agents so it pads you from rollups and charge backs, but I always disagreed and had a problem because your making overrides on people that you know are struggling at those low levels which is wrong and greedy.
Just to stir the pot a little here...what do you guys think of Liberty Mutual paying 30% on WL & UL and only 20% on term...I know they are a p&c shop, but I don't see them catching as much flack as these other IMO's. They also pay less than 1% in some cases on their p&c renewals biz and 0 on the life stuff.

Just a thought
Just to stir the pot a little here...what do you guys think of Liberty Mutual paying 30% on WL & UL and only 20% on term...I know they are a p&c shop, but I don't see them catching as much flack as these other IMO's. They also pay less than 1% in some cases on their p&c renewals biz and 0 on the life stuff.

Just a thought

Crap! Don't give Scott and Travis ideas!!