Norvax AutoResponder...

The autoresponder is great just for the fact that it shows you who is viewing the leads (i.e. a somewhat serious prospect) and as your leads build up you won't have to e-mail all of them yourself. Now, if they could just stop sending me such crappy leads from ProspectZone...
Hey if you don't like the biz then get out, the fact your making these "judgemental" comments tells us everything we need to know about you. Now go live your life and feel right. To some it is more important to be right than rich, go be right. Now don't answer back just.....go!
I have not loged on in a while and maybe responded out of order. I was responding to the guy who was in the army and calling health agents stupid, he couldn't make it in insurance and was doing great with government contracts.

Your right, Norvax is good.
Was this thread about an autoresponder? Some of you fellas should just get a Corvette. It may make you feel better about your lack of endowment.

Go Sox!
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