Now I heard everything...

Let me also add that I've never personally rewritten a client of mine on price alone as I've always had a good starting lineup. I have moved a few from graded or GI into level first day benefit. If that makes me guilty then you know where to find me.
I have a lot of clients from my mortgage protection days that I sold a non med policy when (unknowlingly at the time) they could have qualified for a fully underwritten more competitive policy.

I could easily pay them all a visit and churn them to a better policy. In some cases get them twice the coverage. (I was new & didn't know better options were available).

But I haven't churned a single one & I won't because this isn't car insurance. & it would be illegal for me to do so.
I don't agree with the way you're looking at this, but that's one of the great thing's about being an independent can run your business the way you want to. :yes:
Let me also add that I've never personally rewritten a client of mine on price alone as I've always had a good starting lineup. I have moved a few from graded or GI into level first day benefit. If that makes me guilty then you know where to find me.
Not necessarily, aren't you on the road all the time now. ;)
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