Ok, Review My Site

1. nice theme from elegant themes.
2. you need a call to action on the sidebar. use a text widget. maybe add a subscribe field as a text widget to add people to your mailing list.
3. make all the menus in your navigation no follow unless its an anchor text u want to rank for. Home, about us, contact us, dont need link juice passed to them.
4. on this page:

Video Blog: Do You Have a Google Places Listing? You Need One! | NOLHA

<span>Posted by <a rel="author" title="Posts by nolha" href="http://nolha.org/author/nolha/">nolha</a> on Jan 24, 2012 in <a rel="category tag" title="View all posts in NOLHA Blog" href="http://nolha.org/category/nolha-blog/">NOLHA Blog</a></span>

change the css to

p {

Overall I think it's a nice enough looking site.

-Could use a logo (sure you're working on it)
-When I click on "How Not To Get Conned...." it renders funny. There is a line running through the very top of "posted by nohla...."
-I'm not in love with the content on the article. Not sure if you're looking for feedback on that, but I think you're criteria for evaluating vendors could use some work. There is some flat out inaccurate information on there along with what I would consider patently bad advice that could be replaced with more accurate tests.
-I'm a huge fan of the color scheme.
-The light/dark text on the testimonials section is a little too drastic. It looks like the text is actually a watermark and the only sections you want read are the black ones.

On slightly unrelated notes:

What prompted the change of name?
You're not accepting any affiliate payments from any of the services and discounts you're providing agents?
YGMM: Yeah, it's "The Corporation" - I like the theme. A widget to subscribe into our newsletter is a great idea - will implement that.

No real SEO goals for this site - just that I do no harm. You say "change the css to...." can I just add this as custom css or do I have to hunt down the current code and change it?
YGMM: Yeah, it's "The Corporation" - I like the theme. A widget to subscribe into our newsletter is a great idea - will implement that.

No real SEO goals for this site - just that I do no harm. You say "change the css to...." can I just add this as custom css or do I have to hunt down the current code and change it?

I dont think elegant uses custom css, i believe woothemes does though. the css for that html element is on line 188 of the style.css doc.
Overall I think it's a nice enough looking site.

-Could use a logo (sure you're working on it)
-When I click on "How Not To Get Conned...." it renders funny. There is a line running through the very top of "posted by nohla...."

Absolutely something I have to change as well as the height of the post titles.

-I'm not in love with the content on the article. Not sure if you're looking for feedback on that, but I think you're criteria for evaluating vendors could use some work. There is some flat out inaccurate information on there along with what I would consider patently bad advice that could be replaced with more accurate tests.
-I'm a huge fan of the color scheme.
-The light/dark text on the testimonials section is a little too drastic. It looks like the text is actually a watermark and the only sections you want read are the black ones.

Noted. It's the "quote" button but the gray is far too light against the white background.

On slightly unrelated notes:

What prompted the change of name?

We used to be an open website and changed to a membership organization - name to reflect that. My partner also has issued with it. "Agent" is anything - real estate, broker, etc...and what's "navigator?" Plus, we'll have health navigators come 2014.

You're not accepting any affiliate payments from any of the services and discounts you're providing agents?

Correct. We are declining all affiliate payments for every vendor, even ones with established programs. This way if someone goes south, out they go.

Answers to your questions in bold.
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I like the name better than the other.....nolha.....kinda makes barry stick in my mind....

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