There's a learning curve involved in building a website, and you've taken the time to learn it. Congratulations. Your time is money and you've invested the time.
I like your site. There's a clean look about it. It looks like it's intended for professionals. However, I noticed 2 things that bothered me. First, the slider moves too fast to read. It's a pretty big paragraph to read in a few seconds. Next, you need a line underneath your NOLHA logo that describes your organization and/or gives a value proposition. What do you call that line? A byline or caption... the word eludes me at the moment. At a bare minimum you should spell out what the acronym "NOLHA" means. As a first-time visitor my first thought was "what is this site about", and in the few seconds that I was reading the fast-moving slider paragraphs, and viewing your home page, nowhere did I see that it was for insurance agents or life insurance agents. When I read on your recent post that you can mouse-over the paragraph and the slider will stop, I went back and there are a few words imbedded in the text that say agent or life insurance agent, but you should attract your intended market with more obvious text.
I don't mean to be rude. I mean to help you by this. But if I didn't know you and came upon this site by search engine, I would have left the site without realizing it was a great organization meant to help agents in my line of work.
Good luck!
I like your site. There's a clean look about it. It looks like it's intended for professionals. However, I noticed 2 things that bothered me. First, the slider moves too fast to read. It's a pretty big paragraph to read in a few seconds. Next, you need a line underneath your NOLHA logo that describes your organization and/or gives a value proposition. What do you call that line? A byline or caption... the word eludes me at the moment. At a bare minimum you should spell out what the acronym "NOLHA" means. As a first-time visitor my first thought was "what is this site about", and in the few seconds that I was reading the fast-moving slider paragraphs, and viewing your home page, nowhere did I see that it was for insurance agents or life insurance agents. When I read on your recent post that you can mouse-over the paragraph and the slider will stop, I went back and there are a few words imbedded in the text that say agent or life insurance agent, but you should attract your intended market with more obvious text.
I don't mean to be rude. I mean to help you by this. But if I didn't know you and came upon this site by search engine, I would have left the site without realizing it was a great organization meant to help agents in my line of work.
Good luck!