Our New Website

Yeah those. And there is also too many of them. It's like the site is forcing you to have a quote without even having a look around.

What I'm thinking is more information can do it some good. It will make it look way more professional too.
Yeah you're right! Maybe getting rid of the get a quote tab and just put a quote sheet on the car, home, and business pages? Something simpler like that maybe?
Yes, or have a single quote tab for each type of car, home,business insurance(because they all look similar to me) and just select the kind of quote dropdown menu.
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Remember, you need to keep it as simple and easy as possible.
They are very important elements to a website.
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Tell me what you think. List any improvements that can be made. It is hosted by insurance technologies corp.


1. Your website needs to be optimized for local search traffic.
2. In that respect, you should have your business address on every page -- improves your local "presence" with Google.
3. Your phone number should be the biggest element in the website page header area and possibly a color that is different from the other elements (a color that stands out, e.g., red).
4. Your domain name should ideally represent a popular local search term. There is no "law of the land" that says your business name has to be the same as your website domain name. (If the biggest city in your area is "Benson", create your domain name so it is "bensonhomeinsurance.com", "bensonbusinessinsuranceagent.net" or something along those lines.) This is very powerful for ranking purposes.
5. Any written content should be no more than 55 characters across. People only read about 20% of your content, anyway, and they "skim".
6. Like someone else said, you should have a submission form on every page, and it should require only information that's absolutely necessary.
7. An ideal amount of written content on your homepage would be 450 to 550 words along with headings. (It's possible to use an "accordion" effect with your content so it's aesthetically acceptable.)
8. Be very careful about how many "calls to action" you have on your website homepage. Too many "calls to action" can cause confusion with the website visitor -- they don't know what to do so they do nothing.
9. Your Location page doesn't show a map.
Transfermen, I agree that there are too many calls to action. Thanks!
Transfermen, I agree that there are too many calls to action. Thanks!

Be VERY selective of what you listen to when it comes to advice from transferman. He posts lots of info that is out of date and he endorses things like exact match domains (no longer any benefit over normal domains) and thinks the best link building method is directory submissions.
Be VERY selective of what you listen to when it comes to advice from transferman. He posts lots of info that is out of date and he endorses things like exact match domains (no longer any benefit over normal domains) and thinks the best link building method is directory submissions.

That's untrue. EMD does still help.