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All I saw when I went to your site was a big, ljm. You had 5 seconds, and you lost me! I never heard of ljm, but if I saw united heath, aetna,assurant, I my have looked longer. Just my opinion.
What you need to look at on Google Analytics is how many visits and unique visits (unduplicated visitors) you are getting to your site. You can check visits by day, week or month in the Audience Overview (select a metric). Your bounce rate tells you that about half of the people who enter on your landing page, which is probably your home page in most instances, are leaving without any further interaction (clicking to another page). So basically, they come and go without doing anything other than looking at the landing page.

In Traffic Sources, you can see where your traffic is coming from. You can check what keywords are driving search traffic and the volume for each, and see what the traffic is for each of the search engines used. If you are getting Referral Traffic (incoming links), you can see from where and how much. And if you are getting direct traffic, which is basically someone typing in your url, you can check that volume as well and where they are landing.

What all this will tell you is how many people are actually coming to your site, where they are coming from or how they are getting there, and if they are interacting with your site. There are other metrics that you can analyze, such as avg number of pageviews, avg visit duration, etc. Since your question is about Google page ranking, you want to see how many visits you are getting from Google. You may find that the bulk of your traffic is coming from other sources. Being on page 1 for keywords that don't drive a lot of traffic won't help you. If you are getting a lot of Google traffic, then you have a conversion problem.
All I saw when I went to your site was a big, ljm. You had 5 seconds, and you lost me! I never heard of ljm, but if I saw united heath, aetna,assurant, I my have looked longer. Just my opinion.

I never thought of it that way, I was so worried about my brand, I lost focus of what the customer wants to see.

To all that responded, thank you. This is exactly the information I am looking for. The post about copying to word is something that would be a huge help. I never thought of it.
I need some serious analytics training, I do have unique visitors to my site but it is almost a 60% bounce. I will start putting your ideas to work immediately.
I never thought of it that way, I was so worried about my brand, I lost focus of what the customer wants to see.

To all that responded, thank you. This is exactly the information I am looking for. The post about copying to word is something that would be a huge help. I never thought of it.
I need some serious analytics training, I do have unique visitors to my site but it is almost a 60% bounce. I will start putting your ideas to work immediately.

So there are folks that make millions creating and selling internet leads, you can find their sites by searching for top key words like "buy health insurance" or "buy auto insurance". If you take a look at their sites, there isn't a wall of text. I noticed a HUGE difference in my bounce rate when I did a site redesign that switched to my current and more engaging theme over my previous design. I'm not a top tier expert, but big friendly letters with some pictures tend to be more digestible to the masses.

Your logo doesn't matter, I'd contend that using Aetna, Assurant, or any other carrier logo probably isn't going to be nearly as effective as putting up a picture that relates to your actual audience. For example, a picture of a family and the text "How much can you save?" is an immediate and relatable impact. "How can we help you?" is asking them to actually know exactly what their problem is. Now adding some carrier logos along with that would probably be huge steps in the right direction.
So there are folks that make millions creating and selling internet leads, you can find their sites by searching for top key words like "buy health insurance" or "buy auto insurance". If you take a look at their sites, there isn't a wall of text. I noticed a HUGE difference in my bounce rate when I did a site redesign that switched to my current and more engaging theme over my previous design. I'm not a top tier expert, but big friendly letters with some pictures tend to be more digestible to the masses.

Your logo doesn't matter, I'd contend that using Aetna, Assurant, or any other carrier logo probably isn't going to be nearly as effective as putting up a picture that relates to your actual audience. For example, a picture of a family and the text "How much can you save?" is an immediate and relatable impact. "How can we help you?" is asking them to actually know exactly what their problem is. Now adding some carrier logos along with that would probably be huge steps in the right direction.

I like that, the one reason I didn't go with the picture is everyone has the same thing. I thought about this from the wrong perspective.
I like that, the one reason I didn't go with the picture is everyone has the same thing. I thought about this from the wrong perspective.

Part of it comes down to trial and error. A web design guy (does GREAT work for huge defense contractors among others) liked my last design more than my current one. My current design has roughly the same colors most other folks have and in that respect it's run of the mill, but my bounce rate dropped from 50% to around 23% with the new design. That makes a huge difference when I'm spending $15/click to get folks to my site.

I'm on my fourth or fifth revision at this point and I'm sure I'll look back on this version the same way I have most of the others, but in many respects growing a business is more about failing forward than getting it right the first time.
The design is ok, but it's a bit bland. Alot of that has to do with the color scheme since brown is really a dull color. Maybe experiment with the color scheme and definitely change the menu system. You don't get the feeling like you know where you are at in the site which can get a little confusing if you are looking for something.

The main slide where it says get a quote is good, but when you click something you are thrown into a page where you can't navigate easy from.
I would sure appreciate it. If you google Health Insurance Watertown WI. Or my site is

Health and Life Insurance Watertown Wisconsin - LJM Insurance

Couple of things to increase site conversion

1. Whatever your customer needs or wants to do, needs to be less then 1 click away

2. Make everything really obvious (I am not being mean just analyzing)

Your get a quote buttons are the same color as, People scan not read so any blending will result in a missed opportunity

When I did click on get a life quote I was redirected to more things to click, even worse I had to read a bunch of stuff (as a customer I didn't come here for reading, I came for answers without needing to try)

3. Your main form
"How can we help you" is not a call to action! "Get a quote in less then 60 seconds" "change your life in less then 60 seconds" "Free chocolate in less then 60 seconds" these are calls to action. Your website MUST show people where to go without them needing to think about it, questions to them are not accomplishing that 1 thing that MUST happen

4. Kill the small text on your site and the left hand menu (I literally looked around for 30 seconds before I saw home, if I was a normal person I just would have left and gone to

All the small text on your homepage "welcome to my website" "insurance for everyone" "customer service" kill it, it is fluff and you are better then that.

5. The first things your prospect needs to know is that they are in the right place. I am a 28 year old divorcee with 2 kids who runs a small software I in the right place?? Your site is not letting me know? I know it says that you have a plan for everyone....but I am not looking for everyone insurance, I am looking for life insurance to protect my business in case something happens to my partner and his wife wants her share in cash.....where is that?

I know it is hard because WI is a small place, but you need to figure out who your customer is and take care of them right off the bat, Would you put your office in the middle of a maze and then wonder why no one is showing up?

If you need any help just PM me and I can at least review some stuff with I am not a web designer anymore so no pitch :)