Poof! It 's Gone

I re posted it so he could read it clearly the people in charge of this forum are not interested in showing agents where to find the most affordable companies. Let it be a secret so agents are in the dark. Post the rates I welcome the debate Phoenix life is an amazing company.

And, I wasn't interested in the PM you sent me against the rules. Why would anybody want to do business with a jerk who has no regard for the rules of a forum he has been permitted to join?
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I do not work for Amerilife! And the 120 point contract is a myth! Unless you have 60 agents working for you and millions in business written. Most agents here do not represent that contract possibility.

Again you are either wrong or lying. Many regular agents have 120% contracts and even higher.
Thanks for clearing that up with the PM.

New Member

Join Date: Oct 2011
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15,000 is an 85 point contract 15,001 is 90 point contract simple underwriting. If you want the information ask ill send it just another tool to help you make money. [email protected]

I don't think you'll find any takers of your offer here.
I do not work for Amerilife! And the 120 point contract is a myth! Unless you have 60 agents working for you and millions in business written. Most agents here do not represent that contract possibility.

I Googled the company and found 125% in a couple minutes.

And thank you for outing the forum on trying to keep us in the dark. Some of us are pretty new to this insurance thing and don't know much.
"if the only tool you have is a hammer everything looks like a nail"

How many tools do you have in your tool box. Many agents have 50 point contracts as well so if you make more and have an incredible rate to share please do so I am all ears.


Please link the 125% contract page I want to change my contract then. Prove what you say.
"if the only tool you have is a hammer everything looks like a nail"

How many tools do you have in your tool box. Many agents have 50 point contracts as well so if you make more and have an incredible rate to share please do so I am all ears.


Please link the 125% contract page I want to change my contract then. Prove what you say.

50% contracts? Who? Maybe a Primerica RVP. Is this a network marketing thing?

I am not going to post the guy's website, but you may find it here. It is call Google. https://www.google.com/search?q=Phoenix+Remembrance+Life&rlz=1C1CHFX_enUS398US398&oq=Phoenix+Remembrance+Life&aqs=chrome..69i57.1408j0&sourceid=chrome&espvd=210&es_sm=122&ie=UTF-8
9064 posts in 4 years that's like 16 posts per day when do you have time to sell insurance as your on here day and night?

I don't have questions about the quality of the policy or the company.

I do however have concerns about the integrity of your actions. Your initial posting May have been a mistake or error.

Posting a second time in this portion of the site shows clear and deliberate disregard for the rules you had to have agreed to earlier to set up your ID.

Just so you know that the insurance offers section can be effective for recruiters: I initially connected with Scott Burke in response to a posting he correctly placed in the Insurance Offers section. I did get contracted with him for that product and wrote $900 ap on an app for that company this week.

I may be old fashioned, but I pick my partner organizations carefully, and would trust that other agents would do the same.



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Send me an email with the contract I would change in a second if what you say is real your like just goes to google not much help.
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I won't post the guys website either showing the 120% contract, but I copied it for you.

Phoenix's new product, Remembrance Life, is set to revolutionize final expense. With three incredible riders built right in and four optional riders, Remembrance Life is a final expense product that sells itself.

Imagine being able to give your grandchildren a $500 birthday gift every year until they turn 22—even after you have passed away. Or how about supporting family members' college education by annually giving them up to $5,000 for four consecutive years?[1]

With Phoenix's new whole life product, Remembrance Life, your clients can do this and more. The Legacy Rider and Education Benefit Rider are only two of the exciting optional riders they can choose to include in their policies. Doing so ensures that clients' young beneficiaries will be able to carry on special birthday traditions or afford higher education.

Not only that, but agents may receive up to 120 percent commission, depending on the policy's amount.