Progressive / ASI Homeowner's...Thoughts?

I know many agents have success w/ Progressive but my agency literally writes NOTHING w/ them except toys (and maybe a junk auto 3x/year.)
Im currently appointed with Progressive and mainly only write commercial auto, or personal auto with no prior, they aren't competitive at all. I know ASI gives a discount when an insured has Progressive auto, but the discount is a joke.

2 weeks ago a representative from ASI stopped by our office to let us know we have been approved for NY & PA, he said first quarter of 2015, hopefully their rates are as competitive as NJ. We write lots of business through them, especially dwelling fires.
Sounds like from the video that they will be allowing ASI to be running as a separate company with it's own management. My guess is that branding will be the first change. Of the $1 billion in premium ASI has, $400,000,000 is already with Prog agents. Also in the video, "Preferred customer" and "more integrated product" were mentioned several times. Progressive has really wanted to make the push to preferred and the rates there have been a little better recently.

What will be interesting is that they still have several home partners on the direct side and they won't be able to integrate with them as well. Homesite has most of their direct business. They won't be able to roll that book over to a nit picky ASI easily. I'd be willing to bet that there is would be a purchase of Homesite, but Homesite was bought by American Family in January.

So maybe they go with another non-standard partner for direct? In any case it will prob be tougher for direct to compete with agents for preferred business, at least in the short term.
Progressive pays the lowest % of any of the carriers I have. If I am desperate for a non-standard rate I will use them, but they care more about paying for TV commercials than taking care of agents.
Progressive pays the lowest % of any of the carriers I have. If I am desperate for a non-standard rate I will use them, but they care more about paying for TV commercials than taking care of agents.

Progressive can and will pay you higher commissions on auto. I negotiated with my rep and he bumped us up. I do quote a lot of ASI and I think that helped.
^^ How much premium do you have w/ Progressive & how much do you write w/ them? I'm curious to see what you leverage position was
I know it's only marginally related to the topic on hand, but has anyone here actually figured Progressive out? I can't make sense of what business they actually want. I place about 3 or 4 auto policies with them a month, but they are still just all over the place for me. Some quotes come back with ridiculous (3-4x prospect's current rate) prices, and are labelled "preferred", and some of their nonstandard rates are unusually low.
I know it's only marginally related to the topic on hand, but has anyone here actually figured Progressive out? I can't make sense of what business they actually want. I place about 3 or 4 auto policies with them a month, but they are still just all over the place for me. Some quotes come back with ridiculous (3-4x prospect's current rate) prices, and are labelled "preferred", and some of their nonstandard rates are unusually low.

For me they are great on non-standard but I have never put a preferred with them because of the higher rates. And I will add that despite the lower commission (for my office) I would much rather work with their underwriters and cs than any of my other non-standard carriers. They are great to work with.
For me they are great on non-standard but I have never put a preferred with them because of the higher rates. And I will add that despite the lower commission (for my office) I would much rather work with their underwriters and cs than any of my other non-standard carriers. They are great to work with.

I mainly place nonstandard with them, but I've got midmarket and preferred with them also. Have even beat State Farm with them, which here in South Carolina, is really saying something. They are just so inconsistent. And I'm also ok with the lower commission as well, if it weren't the fact that I've got a brokerage AND a principal agent getting their cuts. Doesn't leave much for me.
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