Random Thoughts, Ramblings, Ideas, Questions, Etc..

My coverage is with a for-profit carrier and there are same metal plans that are cheaper. But that doesn't mean the cheaper plans have better benefits. It figures they would measure by premium alone.
Seems 6.6 million got STUNG by Ocare penalty, and 300k are just over generous

About 6.6M Taxpayers Paid ACA Fines | Insurance News Net

There was also an Ocare STING. Govt enrolled 12 fake subsidized people in 2014. All 12 were auto-renewed for 2015 and are still getting subsidies to this day.

Story: GAO Sting Finds Phony Obamacare Subscribers Sail Through - NBC News

But several of my legitimate subsidy recipients got cancelled! Our goberment at work...


The details were delivered to the Senate today by the Government Accounting Office. It's not as bad as first believed. Of the 12 fake applicants, 1 was caught red-handed. It's also worth noting that the Healthcare.gov telephone enrollers were the incompetents...not hc.gov itself.

Here's an interesting summary of today's GAO testimony before the Senate..

Ref: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-07-16/this-is-how-easy-it-is-to-scam-obamacare
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Did you see this on the news?........apparently not. Fall in line !!

CBS and NBC Skip ObamaCare Fraud; ABC Allows 17 Seconds

Hey, I can't do the impossible. ObamaScare is failing in so many ways right now that not even ACA haters like FOX, News Max, Daily Caller, etc. are able keep up!

From just the past 48 hours:

1. Big Premium Increases Coming to even the subsidized peeps as Silver plan prices go up up and away.
2. Expected tax revenues designed to support subsidies are coming up 50% short. (Tanning Tax 70% short... Penalty-Tax for no ins. 35% short...etc.)
3. 34% of doctors are not taking "ObamaCare". (I think they mean subsidized people?)
ref: ObamaCare 'Reform': 34% Fewer Doctors And Double-Digit Premium Hikes - Investors.com
4. Hillary wants to make ObamaCare even more expensive, by getting rid of the Caddy tax and closing the family glitch.

For every step forward (ie Supreme Court ruling), there are at least 4 steps per week taken in reverse. ACA implementation reminds me of that backward walk that Michael Jackson used to do.
Well, here's another promise broken.

$1 of every $5 spent in US will be on health care

The forecast expects that spending from 2016 to 2018 will be grow by an average of 5.3 percent, but will speed up in following years, to 6.2 percent annually through 2024. The increase in later years is attributed to expected stronger economic growth, which usually is followed by increased use of health-care goods and services.

It is not known to what extent provisions in the Affordable Care Act will help contain health spending inflation over the next decade.

The ACA is responsible for some of the expected inflation because of its extension of health insurance, through government-run insurance exchange and expansion of Medicaid in many states, to about 8.4 million previously uninsured people as of 2014. But the ACA is also designed to help control overall health spending by, among other things, reducing the amount of Medicare reimbursements the government pays.

Keenan's co-author and fellow economist in the Office of the Actuary, Gigi Cuckler, said "it's difficult to say" how much Obamacare will be responsible for keeping health spending below historically high rates through 2024.

"We no longer explicitly estimate the spending impact for the entire ACA," Cuckler said. "We no longer can come with with a counterfactual scenario whereby the ACA never passed."