Rate comparison, Lincoln Heritage and Senior Life

I believe a lot of carriers would take that. The question is: for the carriers that do take that, who can beat Sr Life's rate of $740.64 annual premium. The monkey tried but he was comparing Sentinel Security WITHOUT ADB with Sr Life WITH ADB.

Makes sense for you now?

You keep quoting annual. What is the modal monthly?
6. No charge backs out of advances is also irrelevant for the full-time agent who works 20+ new leads every week.
7. SL pays life time renewals ONLY ON CERTAIN CONTRACT LEVELS. Some of your commission schedules don't pay the agents renewals at all!

SL agents represent less the 3%, give or take, of all agents on this forum.

A lot of companies pay lifetime renewals. In fact, it seems to me it is the majority of the FE companies.

If I am on advance I would prefer them to take charge backs out of the first avaiable money to make sure there is no great debit balance build up.. Plus, with SL you are going to have charge back in cases you would not have with other companies do to the fact they charge back 100% on policies that do not pay the 7th month.

Renewals are not paid at all if the agent does not add LA.

3% of the forum? .. Seems Greg is the only one that ever posts.
Greg would he even qualify for Super Preferred? According to the app you sent me it asks. "In the past ten years have you had, been treated, received medical advice or prescribed medication for, or been diagnosed with uncontrolled diabetes including any complications from such, uncontrolled high blood pressure, stroke, paralysis, cancer, any heart, organ, or lung disease (including Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease/Emphysema) mental disorder/ retardation, disorder of the brain or nervous system, any impairment, disorder, disease, transplant or chronic illness"

Asthma is a lung disease and if it is bad enough they are taking albuteroll on a regular basis, it would certainly be a chronic disease.

It looks like we are comparing against the preferred rates at best...If that be the case, there would be many companies with a lesser rate.
I got a card in the mail from SL a couple of years ago, and it said in "fine print" at the bottom of the page that if you were taking any medications that you wouldn't be eligible for the Super Preferred rate that was shown. :yes:
Greg, on the bright side, anytime someone wants to start and active thread all they have to do is put Lincoln Heritage or Senior Life in the title. That guarantees a lot of views and responses, even more it it says something positive about them.. :yes:
Yeah. I received one of too. :)

Things are getting better as time goes on. They raised commissions quite a bit last year.
You guys spend so much time up here, day after day, arguing about insignificant things. And when it comes to carriers, any carrier, you guys are complaining just as hard as you can
Maybe your wives are the main bread winner in your family?
I got a card in the mail from SL a couple of years ago, and it said in "fine print" at the bottom of the page that if you were taking any medications that you wouldn't be eligible for the Super Preferred rate that was shown. :yes:
That is still the case
Things are getting better as time goes on. They raised commissions quite a bit last year.
You guys spend so much time up here, day after day, arguing about insignificant things. And when it comes to carriers, any carrier, you guys are complaining just as hard as you can
Maybe your wives are the main bread winner in your family?
No, but she does bake it...:yes:
Greg would he even qualify for Super Preferred? According to the app you sent me it asks. "In the past ten years have you had, been treated, received medical advice or prescribed medication for, or been diagnosed with uncontrolled diabetes including any complications from such, uncontrolled high blood pressure, stroke, paralysis, cancer, any heart, organ, or lung disease (including Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease/Emphysema) mental disorder/ retardation, disorder of the brain or nervous system, any impairment, disorder, disease, transplant or chronic illness"

Asthma is a lung disease and if it is bad enough they are taking albuteroll on a regular basis, it would certainly be a chronic disease.

It looks like we are comparing against the preferred rates at best...If that be the case, there would be many companies with a lesser rate.
The way that app reads, it almost sounds like somebody might be doing some clean sheeting if they say they can get Super Preferred with insulin. :yes:

Greg? Say it ain't so.:wideeyed: