Ride Along With Experienced FE Agents


1000 Post Club
Not Recruiting Just Need Ideas.

We are putting together a program for agents getting their feet wet in FE. Agents would come to the office at their own expense,food,gas,motel…etc…

Agents would do a meet and greet at the office,questions and answers,then head into the field with leads provided at the expense of the agency work 2-3 days in the field.

The cost of the leads for each particular agent would be recovered by the agency on production first,then the agent of record (writing with his/her number,contracts,and using their vehicle,gas) would work some sort of split with the agent riding along ?

What’s a fair split ?

How is this best structured ?

Of course,I cannot be responsible to pay an agent out of my commissions.

There are chargebacks,contestable claims,taxes.

Ideas ?
I’m in Roanoke Va at TR King IM. Come on up and take a ride. We have plenty of leads. Lol
I’m in Roanoke Va at TR King IM. Come on up and take a ride. We have plenty of leads. Lol

I thought you lived in Fla and traveled around to North Carolina etc and dropped your own mail ? Guess just like 99% of other fe agents who got tired of the driving day in and day out it’s time to make money overriding.
Why would you speculate ? Any suggestions to the topic that would be helpful ?
No way would I try to be an agency builder,I’m strictly into being on the street.
Not Recruiting Just Need Ideas.

We are putting together a program for agents getting their feet wet in FE. Agents would come to the office at their own expense,food,gas,motel…etc…

Agents would do a meet and greet at the office,questions and answers,then head into the field with leads provided at the expense of the agency work 2-3 days in the field.

The cost of the leads for each particular agent would be recovered by the agency on production first,then the agent of record (writing with his/her number,contracts,and using their vehicle,gas) would work some sort of split with the agent riding along ?

What’s a fair split ?

How is this best structured ?

Of course,I cannot be responsible to pay an agent out of my commissions.

There are chargebacks,contestable claims,taxes.

Ideas ?

Here's what I do when field training a new agent: We get 20 DM leads and we each pay for half of the 20. We work those leads together for approx. 3 days in the summer or approx. 4 days in the winter till we've contacted at least 17 of them. We take turns doing presentations.

Whatever we sell we split the commissions on that sale, doesn't matter who did the presentation and sold it, we split it. If there are 2-3 leads left that were not contacted I'll give them to the agent. If the agent is from out of town I'll still give them to the agent and he/her can use tele-sales with those. This would be for agents in my downline.

I'd prefer to use my car as the IRS deduction is huge for mileage using your personal vehicle for business purposes (which is running the leads). If we use the other agent's car I make sure they know to keep up with this gold mine deduction.

This method allows you to focus on doing presentations and not have to worry about an accounting nightmare.
Here's what I do when field training a new agent: We get 20 DM leads and we each pay for half of the 20. We work those leads together for approx. 3 days in the summer or approx. 4 days in the winter till we've contacted at least 17 of them. We take turns doing presentations.

Whatever we sell we split the commissions on that sale, doesn't matter who did the presentation and sold it, we split it. If there are 2-3 leads left that were not contacted I'll give them to the agent. If the agent is from out of town I'll still give them to the agent and he/her can use tele-sales with those. This would be for agents in my downline.

I'd prefer to use my car as the IRS deduction is huge for mileage using your personal vehicle for business purposes (which is running the leads). If we use the other agent's car I make sure they know to keep up with this gold mine deduction.

This method allows you to focus on doing presentations and not have to worry about an accounting nightmare.

So how do you split the money? Be specific….who’s doing efts? Checks? Advances? Chargebacks? Contestable claims ?

Who does service?

Cmon man !
So how do you split the money? Be specific….who’s doing efts? Checks? Advances? Chargebacks? Contestable claims ?

Who does service?

Cmon man !
I always split it on the app so the company paid 50% of the commission (first year and renewal) to each of us. That way each of us will pay our share of any chargebacks. Also, I don't have to give the agent a 1099 from me to account for the taxes., it comes from the company.
So how do you split the money? Be specific….who’s doing efts? Checks? Advances? Chargebacks? Contestable claims ?

Who does service?

Cmon man !

Bomans got the best program out there for a new agent and even an agent on a present 110-115% contract .70% contract , free fresh dm leads PLUS they set appts up for you . A guy in 115% or less would be wise to do that . The bottom line he’s putting you in front of 4-6 people every day .
I always split it on the app so the company paid 50% of the commission (first year and renewal) to each of us. That way each of us will pay our share of any chargebacks. Also, I don't have to give the agent a 1099 from me to account for the taxes., it comes from the company.

What if the agent is coming from another state and is not going to get licensed in the state we are working because they are only going to be here for the ride along ?

What do you do if the agent is not appointed with the company you need to write the insured with ?
Bomans got the best program out there for a new agent and even an agent on a present 110-115% contract .70% contract , free fresh dm leads PLUS they set appts up for you . A guy in 115% or less would be wise to do that . The bottom line he’s putting you in front of 4-6 people every day .

So how do you split the money? Be specific….who’s doing efts? Checks? Advances? Chargebacks? Contestable claims ?

Who does service?

Cmon man !