Sales Dialers- Mojo or Salesdialers

I had callers with full internet service, 18 GB of Ram, and a hardwire ethernet connection, it wasn't them cause they both experienced it (on different continents).
Mojo is now cloud based, you can't create your own disposition, creating vmails and messages didn't go smoothly, their data management display was complex. Their calling display also is different and less intuitive, they also got rid of live transfers...
I had callers with full internet service, 18 GB of Ram, and a hardwire ethernet connection, it wasn't them cause they both experienced it (on different continents).
Mojo is now cloud based, you can't create your own disposition, creating vmails and messages didn't go smoothly, their data management display was complex. Their calling display also is different and less intuitive, they also got rid of live transfers...

Interesting. There are definitely pros and cons to do it all in the cloud. We haven't been hearing about Mojo from customers and sales calls much recently and perhaps that's a contributing factor, a few years ago was a different story.
My telemarketer is pounding Salesdialer everyday. We haven't had static or connectivity problems. We've been doing it for years now.
I do not know why, but I just have had tech issues with the sales dialers platform non-stop. I have display delay constantly. I have 50 mpbs download and 10 mpbs upload and the system just doesn't operate properly. Any suggestions out there?

Did you email/call Matt?
Cory from Sales Dialers is on this. I was just inquiring if my computer was set up wrong? Nothing wrong with Sales Dialers, class organization all the way. Thanks
Do dialers really work? Or do they make prospects unhappy? I get these from political ppl all the time and its annoying
I'm looking for a cloud based dialer and I'm looking at mojo and sales dialers. Has anyone used both that can give me feedback on them and what set up they're using?

Have you tried "MySalesDialer" its only $5.99 p.m.? It has three calling modes : Fast Dial, Sweep Mode, Explore Mode