Securus Raises Platinum Lead Prices By $4.00 (Nearly 20 Percent)

...To offset the huge expense they take monthly to subsidize lead drops.

Should they say "In a effort to make more money selling leads"..................................................:..,'s making me put 200 characters to post.....................................................................
...To offset the huge expense they take monthly to subsidize lead drops.

Don't make me do math. It makes my brain hurt. What is $4 20% of?

Let me try to figure it out. Let's see...I know E=Mc Squared or is that pi= 1/8 of that's not it.

OK just tell us. Is it $20?
I imagine more and more companies are going to be raising lead costs :( .

When I first started working direct mail leads they were $15 each!
That is insane.
An agent giving up 30+ points on their contracts for subsidized leads...and those leads STILL being over $20? Just crazy...

I never pay more than 23 a lead and that's a bad return in a month. Agents are not getting a deal at Securus. Then they resell them over and over. ............,,,,,,,.................................................
I never pay more than 23 a lead and that's a bad return in a month. Agents are not getting a deal at Securus. Then they resell them over and over. ............,,,,,,,.................................................

How do you kep from paying more than $23 per lead if you do your own mail?

At a $425 1000 piece clip you would have to get back 19 leads per 1000 to stay under $23 per lead.

Where in the world do you get a 1.9% return?
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Don't make me do math. It makes my brain hurt. What is $4 20% of?

Let me try to figure it out. Let's see...I know E=Mc Squared or is that pi= 1/8 of that's not it.

OK just tell us. Is it $20?

It was m y understanding that the leads were $20.95 each and now they will be $25 each.

That might not be the case but that's what I was told by a higher up at Securus.
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How do you kep from paying more than $23 per lead if you do your own mail?

At a $425 1000 piece clip you would have to get back 19 leads per 1000 to stay under $23 per lead.

Where in the world do you get a 1.9% return?

I have a company that puts in writing for me and my agents a 1.7%guarantee on every 1000 piece mailer dropped. Agency wide I'm getting 2.4% in parts of NC I'm getting over 3%.
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