Senior Life Insurance Company-worth adding??

If the clients young and its $30 a month cheaper some will take the chance saying "I'm not going anywere in 2 years". Now were talking a smoker who's rated standard. And honestly i'd do the same thing for myself. And its nothing i'm doing wrong.
Unfortunately.. you aren't the one taking the chance.. Your family is...
If the clients young and its $30 a month cheaper some will take the chance saying "I'm not going anywere in 2 years". Now were talking a smoker who's rated standard. And honestly i'd do the same thing for myself. And its nothing i'm doing wrong.

Try telling more stories. As soon as you find out about their dilemma, share a story where it didn't go so well. If they say they think they'll be ok for 2 years, share a story of a person who thought likewise but was wrong. How hard was that conversation with their family? You're letting them sell you their bullshit. If they really didn't think they were going anywhere, they wouldn't have bought life insurance. Sometimes, they're just being lazy and don't want to go through the hassle of all the paperwork and the process again but some encouragement and emotion generation can help push things through.