Silver script $63 a month in 2024 with $525 deductible. Best silver script $116 a month

I am not on any meds, Rachel is on 2 low cost generics. For now we are comfortable with the $7 SS plan and rolling the dice on a higher priced med, should it come about, until the next AEP.

If single digit plans go away for 23 or 24, I may have to go in a different direction. Right now I can justify throwing away $14 monthly (2 x $7) for a plan neither of us have ever used.

But if the entry point becomes $20+ for a plan we don't use I might decide to self insure.

I know how to navigate the Canadian market and look for PAP's but we probably would not qualify for a PAP due to income constraints. I will just have to wait and see what happens with this crazy market.

Reagan was right. The most feared words are "I am from the government and am here to help you".

And Obama was also right. "Never underestimate the ability for Joe to f**k things up"

Also, I can't see the day where I would consider a managed care plan. Not ever!
Just a little real life exp I just have had with mapd . A good friend of mine for 25 yrs I wrote a mapd 12 months ago . He makes around $300 k a yr for in a business but shows little “ net Income “ . He was on $50 a month Obama care for 8 yrs . I wrote him mapd $3 k moop with hospital plan with $5k cancer rider . He got throat cancer 4 months ago . Went threw 5 weeks of radiation treatment . Zero pre authorization issues and he got his $5 k payment . So he netted $2100 overall and us estatic with his plan .This ain’t no article or hearsay . This is first hand seeing it .
And if u did get that cancer diagnosis, would you prefer to be on OM without pdp or mapd?

I would rather self insure rx for the year, then buy pdp following year and stay on OM vs being stuck on mapd for life.

I'm just saying if all pdp premiums are HIGH, this may be something we confront with clients this aep, especially those on cheap generics or no drugs.
Oops, I see u said in lieu of mapd. I guess it comes down to affordability and if client feels it's worth keeping for the cost

$13K/month for leukemia. Spend the $50 and move on.

You really thought I was picking MAPD over OM??? How much have you had to drink today?
So funny all the MA bashing. Those of us that have hundreds on it that love it can see that it works. Why so dead set against it. I would be an *** not to take it when I get that age. Have plenty of money, 40000.00 in an HSA and love going to the gym. Plus will give me dental and OTC items plus the best PDP there is. I just don’t get it. You think I care if I max out the 3900.00 every few years? I’m out 6000.00 now before I get a Dr visit paid for. Who cares? Blows my mind.
Since the thread has shifted to bashing OM + Medigap, some folks will never understand the desire to have unfettered access to care, no insurance carrier telling the provider what they can and cannot do, and an easy to understand health insurance plan. SMH
Can't help but notice that the one's that do the most bashing aren't even on Medicare. It's easy to be a Monday morning quarterback.
Those of us not yet on Medicare already have the sort of plan that has PA, copays, deductible, networks, etc. and it doesn’t bother us a bit. How it should be to keep costs down. Insurance was never meant to cover 100% of all bills, it’s to help with major, catastrophic claims. I’m out 7000.00 before I get a Dr. visit covered. Doesn’t bother me a bit so you can see why MAPD makes sense for so many people currently reaching Medicare age.

I don’t need to google new content daily to try to dispute MA plans are good for a lot of people. They speak for themselves.
Those of us not yet on Medicare already have the sort of plan that has PA, copays, deductible, networks, etc. and it doesn’t bother us a bit. How it should be to keep costs down. Insurance was never meant to cover 100% of all bills, it’s to help with major, catastrophic claims. I’m out 7000.00 before I get a Dr. visit covered. Doesn’t bother me a bit so you can see why MAPD makes sense for so many people currently reaching Medicare age.

You're right, the under 65 market doesn't have a choice, a ppo option at best. But when you T65, most don't realize they have a better option to escape the managed care programs they are accustomed to, until an agent introduces OM to them.

I work the obamacare market, I and they, don't have this option, and when they hit 65, I am done playing doctor roulette.

As far as cost containment, most who are in dire need of help, and can't wait for a PA because the pain is so intense, just go to the ER room for instant treatment in a higher cost facility. There go the savings.

I will guess you've never had a life threatening illness, and been subject to insurance company delays and BS as your body or brain deteriorates. I have, not a place I would wish on anyone.

If mapd is so good, they should get rid of the 1 year free look period. Why does it exist in the first place?