Starting With Securus

Benefits. Wife has pacemaker; we want another baby without paying out the a$$.

I've been doing some of my lead generation with aged Securus leads with some success.

Starting in January, I'm going to start getting 20 to 25 Platinum leads a week again.

Turns out my day job is perfect to sell FE "on the side."

My plan is to schedule, eventually, 15 to 20 appointments weekly, probably by March.


Is that why you went back to mainstream job? You seemed to be doing great. Justr curious.
yes TDF I asked about Securus. I also looking into Life and Annuity Masters in Simi Valley, CA.TDF do you have any ab out them.They look like a good sold IMO
Hard to get going with Securus platinum lead system. Pay full price for 5-7 weeks before seeing a platinum lead. Your than behind 5-7 weeks on the money you have them. Great people not great on cash flow.
check out Asurea, ask for Erik in their wholesale department.they have solid programs with leads.,
with fair contracts and don't require you to cancel your other contracts, but of course you write their leads with them.