What I can wrap my head around is why doesn't the government employ pseudo "bounty hunters" to go after Medicaid fraud.
Currently the FBI handles fraud but they have extremely limited resources.
Instead, train, pay and regulate an entire profession dedicated on uncovering fraud.
Imagine the doctor wondering whether or not his next patient was a "medicare bounty hunter."
The insurance industry uses private investigators all the time. It's cheaper to pay someone to video that "disabled" client lifting weights then it is to pay the claim.
Of course, the left would LOSE THEIR MINDS if people trying to beat the system were followed and recorded.
Those resources are currently being spent on secret shoppers to nail Medicare agents on technicalities. But seriously, good point. I have several examples of people on SSDI who shouldn't be:
1. A guy recently took down a large tree for my parents. I saw him climbing the tree a sawing away. It turns out he has been on SSDI for the last three years.
2. I wrote insurance for a guy renovating a property in a lower class area, met him at the property. His neighbor was helping him paint, hang siding, ect for cash. The man has been on SSDI for over 5 years and only works for cash when he needs it. I was told they had a large flat screen TV with an expensive surround sound system.
A "bounty hunter" would be great for those situations.
Getting ssdi is very challenging. Did you ask what condition he has? Not all disabilities are visible to the eye. If he has a mental disability, he may be embarrased and lie, or tryy to downplay it.
Medicare & Medicaid is a shoot first, ask questions later. Medicare denies a higher percentage of claims than any private insurer and still manages to blow an estimated $68 billion a year in fraudulent claims for things like penis pumps for women with ED.
As much as folks like to make carriers the bad boy, I can't imagine any health insurance company paying that claim.
John, Medicare does have an office of Inspector General to conduct fraud investigations. An acquaintance of mine took that job in the Chicago field office of Medicare a few years ago.
I've been hearing ads on the radio lately from a Medicare senior patrol member...ie they hunt medicare waste and abuse....I was wondering if it was a new nickname for secret shoppers.