This Upcoming AEP

I am with Yagents on this. You are projecting 2015 income, if you think it will remain the same or close there is nothing to do. All other government goodies are based on current income.

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I'm with Yagents....

For 2015, I think we will get a pass on the subsidy re-qualification. The system is still a mess and they know it. They can't handle the current 8 million logging on in addition to what we are going to add. Plus, current subsidy enrollees won't know if the subsidy is correct or not until they get the IRS form. Which is supposed to be mailed by 1/31/15. Then they do their taxes, realize they got too much money and start screaming. Its going to be a lot of fun....

2016 and beyond, it will be required.
Carrier said will be using Amazon cloud to reduce down time.
The Morning Download: Gets Dose of Modern IT - The CIO Report - WSJ

I still believe the subsidy will have to be re-calculated. Several complained that the reset would make it even more difficult to go back in re-calculate the subsidy. A couple mentioned that they had recorded each security questions just in such a case, others did not. We spent a fair amount of time on this discussion. It was not part of what they wanted to cover in the meeting, but a result of a casual remark from one of the execs who meets with CMS.

I am preparing for it, you take it or leave it.
2015 open enrollment starts 11/15/14 .............. that's after the 2014 elections.

Any changes, surprises, etc could be served up with impunity at least until the 2016 elections.

Just saying ....................
2015 open enrollment starts 11/15/14 .............. that's after the 2014 elections.

Any changes, surprises, etc could be served up with impunity at least until the 2016 elections.

Just saying ....................

Do you think this could have been planned by the most transparent administration in history?

Do you think this could have been planned by the most transparent administration in history?

Certainly could have been planned by the most deceptive and incompetent administration in history.
Any bets on if we have an "announcement" via presidental directive after election day, but before 11/15???