Thoughts on Cross-Selling?

I still say there is a market that you could sell CI to. But it's not the FE market.

It's younger, more income, and working.

But I'm not going to change coarse just to prove it to you guys.

But if anyone wants to pay for the mailer I guarantee I'll get a better response than Rick did.
Doesn't Legal Shield help those looking to get SSD/SSI? Poor people need legal help too.

They absolutely do. I should've worded that differently. It depends on their level of income. I do well with doing will workshops at churches and cross-sell the life. Most of the agents that I've contracted for LS work the traditional life market and employee benefits. Haven't gotten much interest from agents in the senior market.

I think the legal plan is great, but most agents seem to be marketing more of the IDT.
I know med supps and FE cross-selling works from reading the forum.

Just curious what your thoughts are on cross-selling and/or prospecting off of FE leads for CI/DI sales??

I realize most people that return a mailer for FE won't be viable prospect for CI/DI but what about prospecting and asking for referrals to their healthy younger family members for it as a door opener and then also fully UW life policies??



Specializing in only FE will presumably lower your overall earning potential.
Specializing in only FE will presumably lower your overall earning potential.

For us it's the opposite! :yes:

Wifey and I started to get contracted with health companies last year. Between the yearly carrier training requirements, the time it takes to find the right product for the client, the paperwork involved, and all the legal mumbo jumbo, it just wasn't at all cost effective!

For a lot of agents, your presumption is correct! I would imagine that selling different products can help cut lead costs and could actually be profitable.
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