Wellcare paying no commissions on pdp’s

You know it's pretty bad when you invoke the name of RFK Jr as someone to make your argument.
I think it's way worse when you're gonna vote for a candidate with an IQ of 7, who cackles, would love nothing more than to eliminate your job, can never articulate a clear and valid point, and lies from beginning to end about literally everything. I watched her speech with a live fact-checker, and the woman is allergic to the truth. But hey, "oRanGe mAn bAd!" Amirite? TDS needs to be added as a legit mental illness.
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If they don't want to pay for new 2025 PDP business, cool I get it. Not paying our PDP renewals is a giant dirt ball move. None of us will forget it. I hope they implode.
This is 1,000% spot on. That book of business was earned and is ours. That should NEVER be touched. Period. End of story. We all need to organize and sue the ever-loving shit out of this company and send a CLEAR message to them and anyone else who gets a "bright" idea like this. I cannot stress this enough.....WE WILL NOT TAKE THIS SITTING DOWN. And not for nothing, but NABIP and FMO's? Care to chime in at all and help???? Again, we can't just sit here, take this, and do nothing, because it's gonna embolden other carriers to do the same. Keep in mind, these are all tax dollars/federal money that they just arbitrarily decided to steal from us. This is a FEDERAL program. They have no right to just up and do this.
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This is 1,000% spot on. That book of business was earned and is ours. That should NEVER be touched. Period. End of story. We all need to organize and sue the ever-loving shit out of this company and send a CLEAR message to them and anyone else who gets a "bright" idea like this. I cannot stress this enough.....WE WILL NOT TAKE THIS SITTING DOWN. And not for nothing, but NABIP and FMO's? Care to chime in at all and help???? Again, we can't just sit here, take this, and do nothing, because it's gonna embolden other carriers to do the same.
Maybe our almighty FMO's will sue them like they did to take our other commissions away. Not a single agent should sign WellCare's new contract. Screw em.
I think it's way worse when you're gonna vote for a candidate with an IQ of 7, who cackles, would love nothing more than to eliminate your job, can never articulate a clear and valid point, and lies from beginning to end about literally everything. I watched her speech with a live fact-checker, and the woman is allergic to the truth. But hey, "oRanGe mAn bAd!" Amirite? TDS needs to be added as a legit mental illness.
WOW, you're worrying about HER lying too much when you've got the Liar in Chief on the other side? Lol, change the channel and use a real fact-check service.
WOW, you're worrying about HER lying too much when you've got the Liar in Chief on the other side? Lol, change the channel and use a real fact-check service.
Words, words, words, no substance, as per usual. Trump has already been in office for 4 years. The economy was booming. The proof is in the pudding. Your cackling hyena tries to pretend she's brand new. It's hilarious. All I'm concerned about is the economy, results, and policy. Period. End of story. What can you bring up that doesn't have to do with orange man?? Answer is "nothing," because your candidate and party are a God damn train wreck. All you and your party have left is "oRaNge mAn bAD." And not for nothing, but this whole no commission thing only exists because of them and their "great ideas." And yet you still vote for these morons. The insanity is genuinely off the charts. It's literally voting for your job to go away. What is it gonna take for you to finally wake up??
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I'm not signing it. Nothing left as of 1-1-25 to sign it for. I'm not writing their shitty HMO plans. Bye WellCare. Ready to sue them. All agents should.
I haven't seen the letter but I'm not signing a new contract either,