Tell us how you really feel.Words, words, words, no substance, as per usual. Trump has already been in office for 4 years. The economy was booming. The proof is in the pudding. Your cackling hyena tries to pretend she's brand new. It's hilarious. All I'm concerned about is the economy, results, and policy. Period. End of story. What can you bring up that doesn't have to do with orange man?? Answer is "nothing," because your candidate and party are a God damn train wreck. All you and your party have left is "oRaNge mAn bAD." And not for nothing, but this whole no commission thing only exists because of them and their "great ideas." And yet you still vote for these morons. The insanity is genuinely off the charts. It's literally voting for your job to go away. What is it gonna take for you to finally wake up??
As far as Sickcare…just raise the premiums another $10 a month on each plan and PAY THE AGENT.