What would be a fair deal?

With that many it should really reduce your average time between knock. Qualify quickly and I bet you can pull some record weeks.

I spent the day with my dad who is in a physical rehab facility. I brought his six grandkids with me, so I could work on those leads while they kept him entertained (it is amazing how much life he has in him when the kids are with him)

I loaded the leads into my crm & route planner. There are plenty of clusters that will make for efficient door knocking. I then sorted the leads into an alphabetical folder, and sorted the leads in each letter by zip code lowest to highest. All I need is my iPad and the alpha file and I should be able to move pretty quickly through some doors.
Next time bring him a bottle of hooch and a few cigars if you really want to put a smile on the ole man's face. I don't know anything about those crms, alpha files, ipads etc... but after putting in the addresses and the best order is displayed I'd stack them up in that order. You could grab 25-30 off the top and go. Also I'd bet most are unworked, since he gave them away for free.
I don't know anything about those crms, alpha files, ipads etc...

Basically I have things set up that no matter where I am, I can find the closest lead's name and address and I can have the copy of the lead card in my hand ready to knock the door in seconds of pulling up to the leads's home.
Basically I have things set up that no matter where I am, I can find the closest lead's name and address and I can have the copy of the lead card in my hand ready to knock the door in seconds of pulling up to the leads's home.

If you use a route planner it's all set up before you leave your home. No monkey business. Have your stack of leads in order. Other than rubber bands, leave the gadgets at home, chances are they'll mess up your plan. Answering calls doesn't mix with door knocking, it mixes with appointment setting.