Which FE Carriers Are Not Allowing FE Tele-Sales?

So, you have Tom blocked? :biggrin:

Yes, in the early days his ever-changing next great idea got a little much but the colored text did it. Not personal and I will click to read it sometimes. I just do not want to see it all of the time.

The only person I have ever blocked that I have argued with is He That May Not Be Named. And that was not from us arguing. It was after he accused me of being a racist and post a picture of a lynching. At that point, it was blocking him or kick his ass. He only lived a couple of hours from me. And I know a great pub near there to drink after.
Yes, in the early days his ever-changing next great idea got a little much but the colored text did it. Not personal and I will click to read it sometimes. I just do not want to see it all of the time.

The only person I have ever blocked that I have argued with is He That May Not Be Named. And that was not from us arguing. It was after he accused me of being a racist and post a picture of a lynching. At that point, it was blocking him or kick his ass. He only lived a couple of hours from me. And I know a great pub near there to drink after.
I gave Tom a lot of shit at 1st, but I like him now(except when he types in lavender and pink). He's a nice guy.

His wife makes car magnets, signs, etc. I bought some and very happy with them.
If they are going to starve out with a one week delay in their first comp. They may need one of the forum IMO's help.

Why do they need help from another IMO?

They were broke or very unhappy before they met us. We are actually putting $money$ in their pockets.


If your agents are averaging $5,000 AP a week Xs 50 weeks = $250,000.00 per year. and they can not self-fund for one week?

$300 monthly premium per week is $3600 AP. Remember - 50% to 75% commission.

And why would they not just buy their own leads and get higher first year and a chit load more renewals?

They are broke or new . . . Can't afford to eat less alone buy $600 to $900 each week in leads.

Oh, Oh, you say, career agents, Who owns the book if they leave?

They do. Paid direct from the Carrier.
Why do they need help from another IMO?

They were broke or very unhappy before they met us. We are actually putting $money$ in their pockets.


$300 monthly premium per week is $3600 AP. Remember - 50% to 75% commission.

They are broke or new . . . Can't afford to eat less alone buy $600 to $900 each week in leads.

OK, I am going to regret this, you say they were broke when they met you.

Then they met you and are doing $300 - $600 MP per week. Average $450mp x 12mo = $5,400 AP per week. . Xs 50 weeks = $270,000. They are FE beast!

But are so broke they can not afford food, gas or a cheap motel room.

Maybe it is that 63% average first year comp. What is the average renewal?

Why do you think that they are so poor? You recruited them.

Edit: broke with no lead cost.

Not hating. You posted it.
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