Who has 22- 25 dollar Direct mail FE leads?

Wow! Okay then. I'll stop criticizing if you'll stop trying to convince people that selling for one company is a good thing for your clients. Deal?

Selling for only one carrier, and bundling with legacy-assurance is far superior for the client saving $$$.
I've laid out the math on this 2 or 3 times in the last few months.
Selling for only one carrier, and bundling with legacy-assurance is far superior for the client saving $$$.
I've laid out the math on this 2 or 3 times in the last few months.

Okay fine.....you wanna do some math? Tell us the percentage of people who actually use the legacy-assurance plan? Will your company reveal those numbers to you? If you don't know what they are already, I'm sure you would be surprised at how few people actually use it.
Okay fine.....you wanna do some math? Tell us the percentage of people who actually use the legacy-assurance plan? Will your company reveal those numbers to you? If you don't know what they are already, I'm sure you would be surprised at how few people actually use it.

Todd I have no idea. Your logic is slightly tilted.
Your question has as much relevance as..
How many death claims go unpaid because no one contacted the insurance co.?
How many policis lapse in 3 months?
How many script checks cause policies to be rewritten?
Out of your last 10 new agents how many of them wrote 3 or more apps their first week?
These type of questions don't matter.
Okay fine.....you wanna do some math? Tell us the percentage of people who actually use the legacy-assurance plan? Will your company reveal those numbers to you? If you don't know what they are already, I'm sure you would be surprised at how few people actually use it.

Since you say few people actually use legacy-assurance why don't you tell us the figures? Lol
That's like saying how many policies went unpaid because no one filed a death claim...lol.
Since you say few people actually use legacy-assurance why don't you tell us the figures? Lol
That's like saying how many policies went unpaid because no one filed a death claim...lol.

Since you are the one that works with Legacy Assurance, I'm sure you'll be able to get those figures before I can. Of course, you know that. It should be a simple question for you, but you can avoid this one too because it just might teach you something about your program.
Selling for only one carrier, and bundling with legacy-assurance is far superior for the client saving $$$.
I've laid out the math on this 2 or 3 times in the last few months.
If it is such a good deal, then why not explain to the client it is optional and not "just include" it in the quote as you recommend. And, then of course, pay the agent full commission if the client does not take it? If it is truly a superior deal, there should be no need to pressure or entice the agent to write it and the client to buy it...
Since you are the one that works with Legacy Assurance, I'm sure you'll be able to get those figures before I can. Of course, you know that. It should be a simple question for you, but you can avoid this one too because it just might teach you something about your program.

I'm not Legacy's employee. I guess I could ask them how many Legacy members' beneficiaries take advantage of the savings. I don't know if they even know. I could care less how many people do or do not use the Legacy savings. I bundle it with their policy with good intentions. It improves my closing % and persistency. Our agents also pick up an extra sale here and there that your agents would miss. All the buyers love the savings Legacy will provide their family.

Todd you sound so foolish. Your request is the same as me asking you how many people pay insurance premiums but the family never files a death claim resulting in the insurance company not having to pay out. Who cares? You sell the policy with good intentions.

Since you say I should not bundle Legacy with the policy because sometimes the family doesn't take advantage of Legacy's savings, aren't you also saying since some death claims never get filed with the insurance co. that maybe we shouldn't sell insurance? You sound like a guy grasping for straws.....lol. Insecurity? Shrinking agency? Loser mentality?

The following paragraph should help you understand things better........
I'm pretty sure whenever there is a death claim that SL informs the beneficiary to check with Legacy for the savings. After all Legacy still turns a profit selling the casket, vault, and monument for $3500. Legacy wants to make this sale of $3500, they don't lose any $$$ on it. Not to mention the word of mouth in the family of the deceased on these incredible savings it just helps us make extra sales your agents don't have a chance to make.

By the way, why don't you follow your tag line and do the right thing because it's the right thing to do? How much overwrite spread do you have over your agents? Do you tell them how much of their commissions you take? Why don't you pay them what you make? Are you trying to make a profit? That must be it.

If you offered them something of value you would deserve a spread. But since you offer practically nothing what exactly is your spread? Share this info with your agents because it's the right thing to do.

I'll bet a cup of coffee you'll avoid this question...lol.
I've already posted a few posts above what I can offer agents (including your agents).