Why you wanna keep a brother down? Houcoogster that's not it. I'm delighted that people who need help get it. This law was not necessary and, as you know, the subsidies were not fair to a lot of the working poor. We won't go into that, but the legislation was very poorly drafted and even more poorly implemented.
Somebody has got to pick up the tab, and it's going to be huge. I will say that it's been interesting to hear the fairy tale comments of some of the supposedly knowledgeable members of the forum. It is entirely believable, but surprising, that they're willing to broadcast their stupidity to the world. I half read their comments anyway, but now I know they're complete morons.
Not talking about healthguy, he just made too much money on this thing and is feeling good about life right now.
I don't know of anyone who is a regular member of this forum that believes the cost of this law is anything but exorbitant. I think this thread was really about smaller issues than the "elephant in the room" issue of cost. Actually, some of the posts were about minutiae and high-school level infighting. Rack it up to OEP exhaustion. Or maybe "making too much money on this thing and feeling good about life right now" like you said. Or perhaps drunkenness. But really, no sober person could possibly say the tab will be anything but huge.
Oops. I posted that 5 minutes after Houcoogster's last post, so clearly I was writing while he was, and I didn't see what he wrote. So...... uhmmm.... how to gracefully exit now??? Well.... I guess I'll hold to the "exhausted after OEP" idea.
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