Who Would Have Guessed

Why you wanna keep a brother down? Houcoogster that's not it. I'm delighted that people who need help get it. This law was not necessary and, as you know, the subsidies were not fair to a lot of the working poor. We won't go into that, but the legislation was very poorly drafted and even more poorly implemented.

Somebody has got to pick up the tab, and it's going to be huge. I will say that it's been interesting to hear the fairy tale comments of some of the supposedly knowledgeable members of the forum. It is entirely believable, but surprising, that they're willing to broadcast their stupidity to the world. I half read their comments anyway, but now I know they're complete morons.

Not talking about healthguy, he just made too much money on this thing and is feeling good about life right now.

I don't know of anyone who is a regular member of this forum that believes the cost of this law is anything but exorbitant. I think this thread was really about smaller issues than the "elephant in the room" issue of cost. Actually, some of the posts were about minutiae and high-school level infighting. Rack it up to OEP exhaustion. Or maybe "making too much money on this thing and feeling good about life right now" like you said. Or perhaps drunkenness. But really, no sober person could possibly say the tab will be anything but huge.


Oops. I posted that 5 minutes after Houcoogster's last post, so clearly I was writing while he was, and I didn't see what he wrote. So...... uhmmm.... how to gracefully exit now??? Well.... I guess I'll hold to the "exhausted after OEP" idea.
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Yes....yes yes I have never met so many Macro-Economist's in one place. Obamacare will break the US you should all move to Mexico as soon as you can...were all doomed...the sky will fall. Run for your life the subsidy boogeyman is on the loose...aaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Lmfao!!! Awesome
Yes....yes yes I have never met so many Macro-Economist's in one place. Obamacare will break the US you should all move to Mexico as soon as you can...were all doomed...the sky will fall. Run for your life the subsidy boogeyman is on the loose...aaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh

By your own admission you have only written a small number of apps during open enrollment yet you have posted more times than almost anyone on this forum, if this is so important to you why haven't you done more?

If you fail to see the inequity of this law then your eyes are closed.

I will repeat it one more time.

A family of 4 who has paid for health insurance for many years ($5000 a year) making over $95,000 will lose their existing coverage at the end of 2014 or soon after, to be replaced by a policy with a minimum cost of $9700 per year (according to the Kaiser calculator).

A family of 4 making $50,000 a year now receives health insurance for $3400 per year (according to the US average per the Kaiser calculator).

The net is that the non-subsidized family will be paying an additional $6300 per year.

When taxes are taken into consideration that additional $6300 represents an enormous cost-the higher income family is in the 28% tax bracket plus payroll taxes, or about 35%.

35% of $50,000 (the difference in family income) is about $17,000, leaving them $33,000 in disposable income.

The increase in the cost of their health insurance now is over 20% of that $33,000.

That is ridiculous, period, particularly when 2 wage earner families often have child care expenses that significantly lower the net income of the second wage earner.

$6,000 a year represents a full IRA contribution, how are these families going to have any savings for retirement when they are being forced to pay so much more for health insurance?

The law provides way too much subsidization for those above 100% FPL and kills the middle income 2 wage earner family.

I'm in my 60's so none of this affects me but if you can't see the inequity it's because you have blinders on.
By your own admission you have only written a small number of apps during open enrollment yet you have posted more times than almost anyone on this forum, if this is so important to you why haven't you done more?

If you fail to see the inequity of this law then your eyes are closed.

I will repeat it one more time.

A family of 4 who has paid for health insurance for many years ($5000 a year) making over $95,000 will lose their existing coverage at the end of 2014 or soon after, to be replaced by a policy with a minimum cost of $9700 per year (according to the Kaiser calculator).

A family of 4 making $50,000 a year now receives health insurance for $3400 per year (according to the US average per the Kaiser calculator).

The net is that the non-subsidized family will be paying an additional $6300 per year.

When taxes are taken into consideration that additional $6300 represents an enormous cost-the higher income family is in the 28% tax bracket plus payroll taxes, or about 35%.

35% of $50,000 (the difference in family income) is about $17,000, leaving them $33,000 in disposable income.

The increase in the cost of their health insurance now is over 20% of that $33,000.

That is ridiculous, period, particularly when 2 wage earner families often have child care expenses that significantly lower the net income of the second wage earner.

$6,000 a year represents a full IRA contribution, how are these families going to have any savings for retirement when they are being forced to pay so much more for health insurance?

The law provides way too much subsidization for those above 100% FPL and kills the middle income 2 wage earner family.

I'm in my 60's so none of this affects me but if you can't see the inequity it's because you have blinders on.

Well well well I'm glad to see we have a Micro-Economist in the mix.
I've never argued that this was anything other than a bad deal for those in the 300 to 500%fpl range. This is an opportunity for the Pubs to shine.
Please don't disparage my numbers...a little over 40 ain't bad:1wink:
Supplemental insurance! Not Aflac though. Also indemnity plans. Assurant has a few killer ones.

He (AllenChicago) was being sarcastic and you stepped right in it.
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Well well well I'm glad to see we have a Micro-Economist in the mix.
I've never argued that this was anything other than a bad deal for those in the 300 to 500%fpl range. This is an opportunity for the Pubs to shine.
Please don't disparage my numbers...a little over 40 ain't bad:1wink:

I'm not a 'microeconomist', I just give a crap about my clients who will be really hurt by this.

Maybe you should post less and work more, then your ratio of posts to applications might be a little more in line with making a living as an insurance agent.
I'm not a 'microeconomist', I just give a crap about my clients who will be really hurt by this.

Maybe you should post less and work more, then your ratio of posts to applications might be a little more in line with making a living as an insurance agent.

Oh ok! So you're giving me the Green Light to write more subsidy apps....that's cool i thought you were worried about the national deficit. If I write 200+ subsidy apps you'll be happier then?

Ratt N' Roll Baby:yes:
Go right ahead and do all that pro bono work. You will get far in this business working for free