I've been in the biz long enough to know that it never fails to be true -- The ones you bend over backwards for, make special considerations, kiss their boots, ignore their arrogance always end up being your worst nightmare.
I had a client who was new in town. I got him a great rate with strong coverage. Sent thank you note. I helped him get established in the community.. A referral to barber, mechanic, doctor, dentist, helped him with finding a great appartment.. Ect, ect... Upon renewal he left for a lower rate. When asked he said it wasn't me, the other rate was just cheaper.
Interestingly the guy had been divorced four times. It proves he just can't stay in any relationship that long! Insurance companies do their own "profiling" to derive rate. Well, I now look at divorced clients as less dedicated, and the more times they've been divorced the less aporeciative they can be.
Some people don't appreciate what good things people do for them.
Being a personal lines P&C agent is very rough as clients can be very abusive in so many ways. More so than any other sales career I've been in.
You just have to brush it off and move on. Don't let it get you down.
Sounds like the guy who was new in town could not find my office and was walking here in a thunderstorm to start a policy. Anyway my husband told him to stay put and drove to go get him then drove him to the DMV since he would have had to walk there to and didn't know where it was. He cancelled for 5 bucks.