Why Your Clients Are Scumbags

Bro, you sound like a child. First you call all your customers scum bags and now your getting on this guy because his company has an informative presentation.

"First you call all your customers scum bags" - To extrapolate this from my satirical post w/ a complete disregard for context & my subsequent follow up posts & then publish this, is what I consider libel. I'm not sure if you're a competitor who's publishing intentional inaccuracies to cause me harm, so I kindly request that you amend your published comment. For further clarification, I do not believe all my customers are scum bags.

"your getting on this guy..." - I believe my post provided constructive criticism w/ a healthy dose of tongue in cheek humor. If you review more of my posts, you'll see I've endorsed & referred Rocket Referrals on more then 1 occasion.
I insured a family who's father passed away unexpectedly about 3 years ago. My agency helped raise about $2,500 for the family (not much money BUT we made an effort to ask our network to assist.)

Well they just left my agency for E-surance. They wouldn't even let us requote them because "they already made the switch!!!!!!"

This is why I am NEVER going out of my way for my clients again. They are all scum bags who don't appreciate anything we do. I do my job & nothing above and beyond because people just burn you left & right.

Before you ask me to remove my post, you may want to remove yours first.
... Oooooh a cat fight ... and insurance1822 has been hit hard.. Will he get up or is he down for the count?
... I'm running out of popcorn .. Let me get some more ...
I am back with my Caramel Popcorn lunch. Go for it guys! If you can add GIFs please do. Pics Help as well. (I like the MJ thriller Pic.)