Will Ehealth Make It?

I seem to recall someone posting that eHealth was supposed to be partnering with the administration to set up the Exchange. If so, they can pick up volume there but at what price?

I have to agree, the eHealth model doesn't make sense if Obamacare pans out the way Barry and crew set it up.

Of course neither does the Exchange or carriers marketing direct.
Obamacare will implode before we get to that point.

All it will take is the first large company dropping its coverage because the tax is cheaper. Everything goes out the window when AT&T, Verizon, IBM, whomever drops 300,000 or more families from their plan and onto the exchange for subsidized coverage. And you can bet that once one company does it, every large company will.
We will have three difficult years from 2011 to 2014. After that it'll be a volume business for around 4 years until it all implodes. After that we'll likely go to single payer.
I don't think that will happen. As bad as everything seems, I feel that with everything imploding, we will be back to our usual system in no time. You already have other countries planning this actual step from their socialistic healthcare which is bleeding money that subsidies can't help.
All it will take is the first large company dropping its coverage because the tax is cheaper. Everything goes out the window when AT&T, Verizon, IBM, whomever drops 300,000 or more families from their plan and onto the exchange for subsidized coverage. And you can bet that once one company does it, every large company will.

The government elite are forgetting that those plans aren't "Cadillac plans" because their benefits are fantastic, but rather because the costs of care for the chronic health issues in those companies are so pervasive.

And all that will be dumped upon the subsidy-providing public. Great idea. :nah: