Will Ehealth Make It?

Justin: I appreciate your post, but do you really feel we are going to go back the way things were? I tend to doubt it...Just my opinion. No way in hell this is going back to the individual insurance wild west.
We will go back to it. There isn't a doubt in my mind. This country is waking up fast, I have never seen so many citizens starting to get past the media punditry, and starting to see the real picture when it comes to politics/economics.
I am just looking at the trends of countries who have gone to medicare. Whether we change or not, it won't be for long, its simply unsustainable to do what was legislated.
The government elite are forgetting that those plans aren't "Cadillac plans" because their benefits are fantastic, but rather because the costs of care for the chronic health issues in those companies are so pervasive.

And all that will be dumped upon the subsidy-providing public. Great idea. :nah:

I wouldn't even say it was so much chronic, as that is just what it costs to get that level of coverage. I can think of several companies offering similiar plans. $1100 total cost, $350 employee share for family coverage. $15-$25 co-pays for PCP, $0-$500 per person deductibles, 0% co-insurance. That will be fantastic cost savings for the employer, and massive cost shift to the taxpayers.
Exchanges won't make it until 2014. It's already underfunded. How's anyone going to find out about them?

They will be some press when the risk pool opens - then nothing. The gov't won't advertise it - states won't advertise it nor will carriers or agents.
I was reviewing the risk pool information on the MRMIB site and found it interesting that the new federal risk pool has a requirement that you must (in addition to the six months and uninsurable rules) have a federally qualifying health condition.

The document does not yet spell out what are going to be the qualifying health conditions. Seems though that it will not be a free-for-all for everyone who is uninsurable.

And how does the gov't prove they haven't been covered the past six months? What if someone's been uninsured for 2 months but checks "yes." Is the gov't gonna have access to every carrier's client database?