YAL Lead...Wanna Hear What One Sounds Like?

All joking aside,

Out of 25, I had 7 or 8 leads from YAL that were much worse than that. If I was any good with a computer, I'd play them for ya cuz they are very funny to listen to, expecialy when they turned out to be free!
I pay all my bills with money orders.;)

This post actually illustrates why 90% of agents will fail in 1st year or two. 90% feel this lead is a rip-off, 10% feel the lead, though not great, is still workable. That's why I spend $29/lead for TV leads.

I been an independent agent for 12 years.. been pretty successful selling insurance so lets not get all stupid here mkay?

I actually paid $22 per lead, and that was through a discount

Maybe someday I can be like you and win a couple "Wednesday Night" bowling trophies and pose in front of them
All joking aside,

Out of 25, I had 7 or 8 leads from YAL that were much worse than that. If I was any good with a computer, I'd play them for ya cuz they are very funny to listen to, expecialy when they turned out to be free!

Id love to hear some more of them.

Post some more of them. I need a good laugh.
That's a $17 lead though. If you want leads that are interested specifically in life insurance, it's going to cost 4 times that, but agents are too cheap to pony up for that so they get $17 leads and complain that they aren't good enough when they're too damn cheap to pay for a good telemarketed lead. Let's not forget, if it was so easy, the agents would do the cold calling themselves. I know agents that do well doing their own cold calling. Frankly, I wish more agents would cold call and buy lists from me, but if they're going to buy telemarketed leads, they shouldn't be surprised at what a $17 lead is.
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Ben, it really is a decent FE lead. Whether or not folks believe it is a separate issue, but good agent would write 2-3/10 on leads like that. A great agent would do more than that, but an agent trained correctly does well with leads like that.


The simple fact is YAL can't sell either...If what you say is correct if I was going to go and have someone else telemarket for me then I would be willing to pony up the money for someone with really interest....The problem is this company sells on the concept of a person interested and prices it at $17. I would buy if they said $17 leads are junk this is why and if you want this it costs $x and they need to sell the value but instead they don't represent what they are really selling.
All joking aside,

Out of 25, I had 7 or 8 leads from YAL that were much worse than that. If I was any good with a computer, I'd play them for ya cuz they are very funny to listen to, expecialy when they turned out to be free!

When you filter out the dogsh*t they give you.. in reality you're paying like $50 a piece for very average to crappy leads
Insman that's still different though when someone says "I thought you were going to send me something" because that person is still possibly interested in information, he just thought it was going to be delivered differently. The 1st thing out that YAL's lead mouth was "I don't need any life insurance." That's not what we should be paying YAL or any lead co for. That crap should be weeded out for that price per lead.

Now if your cold calling you'll run into that a lot but why are we paying another company big $ per lead for if not to weed out that bs?

See bold above....If the lead said "I need some life insurance" how much should this lead cost?
Josh, let me ask you this. If I could generate those exact telephone calls (excuse me.....leads) we just heard, are you telling us you would pay $17 a piece for those all day long?

Your exact words were a good agent could sell 2 to 3 out of 10 policies with leads that good. So if I can generate you those leads or anybody else here, are you willing to put your money where your mouth is because I have a girl who is ready to hit the phones.

Ben, why on God's green earth would I pay your girl when I have my own telemarketers and dialing hardware?

Not meaning to be rude, but how many FE cards have you worked? How many appointments have you booked off lead cards?

I really appreciate Greg chiming in here because it sounds like he gets how this market works. Agents have different ways of working, but the fact of that matter is that a lead where an old person is willing to have someone come over and talk to them about life insurance, even if they say they don't need it, is a decent lead. Him saying "I don't need life insurance" could very easily mean he just doesn't understand that he can use a small life insurance policy to cover 100% of the cost of his funeral. I've had plenty of folks say they didn't want life insurance and after I made my pitch they got out the checkbook, signed the app, and the policy stays on the books.
See bold above....If the lead said "I need some life insurance" how much should this lead cost?

Theres direct mail pieces of boxes to check of $5,000 - $10,000, $15,000 etc

A prospect checks the $10,000 box

Thats what they want... Whether they can afford it is another story

Leads are intrested prospect, people that have a "general" intrest in a product/service

Anyone that fills out a card, picks up the phone to get a quote is an intrested prospect..

Some one that is cold called and duped into getting something free with "no obligation" is a dogsh*t lead

If that guy on the recording recieved a mail piece? Yes, he's the guy that tosses it in the can