YAL Lead...Wanna Hear What One Sounds Like?

MPS you can't really compare this to direct mail leads because any response you get 9 times out of 10 the prospect IS interested, otherwise they wouldn't have taken the time to fill it out and send it in. There's no 3rd party (the telemarketer) involved gumming up the works.

I'd love to see the mail piece you're using where 90% of the people responding are interested in buying life insurance (assuming you're getting at least a 1% response rate). My guess, you're making numbers up. Out of 30 lead cards, much more than 3 are going to be junk or wanting "free information".

Not meaning to be rude, but have you worked lead cards before?
Not meaning to be ruder, but yes I've only been using them for 20 yrs or so. Doesn't make me an expert but If I only sent out 30 cards and got 3 back I'd be happy with a 10% return. Check your numbers again.

Anyway I never said that 90% will buy. I still maintain that at least I can show them the lead and that usually jogs their memory that they filled it out and that I can get them back "in the moment" when they did. I already accounted for those that supposedly have no recollection or interest but in my experience that has been the exception on the 1-2% return which is normal.

I was just making a point but I knew the snarkiness would begin sooner or later. That's why I LOVE this forum!!
I do understand what MPS and the insuranceman are saying. Yes, a good salesman can go to that lead and maybe close 1 out of ten, if they are lucky and good. The problem is far too often, buyers like that will come out of the either and cancel the policy. This isn't the car business where if they drive it over the curb they are owners. All these people need to do is stop making payments and your screwed.

If I suspect somebody is not going to make payments or are going to come out of the either, I usualy don't write them. Charge backs cost us time and money and are usually not worth the energy trying to save.

When you start chasing and writing leads like that, your chargebacks will soar.
Not meaning to be ruder, but yes I've only been using them for 20 yrs or so. Doesn't make me an expert but If I only sent out 30 cards and got 3 back I'd be happy with a 10% return. Check your numbers again.

No offense taken, but no way 9 out of 10 cards returned are actually interested in meeting with an agent. You and I both know that, right? ;)
I do understand what MPS and the insuranceman are saying. Yes, a good salesman can go to that lead and maybe close 1 out of ten, if they are lucky and good. The problem is far too often, buyers like that will come out of the either and cancel the policy. This isn't the car business where if they drive it over the curb they are owners. All these people need to do is stop making payments and your screwed.

If I suspect somebody is not going to make payments or are going to come out of the either, I usualy don't write them. Charge backs cost us time and money and are usually not worth the energy trying to save.

When you start chasing and writing leads like that, your chargebacks will soar.

We got bingo
Oh boo, if you were right my 13th month persistency rate wouldn't be 90%+.


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I think Todd hit a homerun here. I've used FSL are they are night and day between that pile of complete dogsh*t YAL serves up

Those leads go for $35, he got them to discount it for $24 a piece.. You buy 20 a week and you're saving $220 a week, almost $900 a month.

And I got a competitve contract from him.

I usedthem with very good results a year ago, got back into prospecting small businessess with Assuritys product and been diggin it.. Now with Todd I can get another source of leads at a pretty solid price.

I'm not swinging from Todds sack, just telling any agents here looking to hook up in the Final expense to give him a call and come up with your own conclusion.

I've only known Todd for a couple weeks now and he's a straight shooter and wont bullsh*t you.

I gotta give the guy credit for dropping YAL and making the effort to get great pricing from a superior lead company.

Dude does lookout for his agents.

If your looking to get into small businesses- contact me, I'll point you in the right direction
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I think Todd hit a homerun here. I've used FSL are they are night and day between that pile of complete dogsh*t YAL serves up

Those leads go for $35, he got them to discount it for $24 a piece.. You buy 20 a week and you're saving $220 a week, almost $900 a month.

And I got a competitve contract from him.

I usedthem with very good results a year ago, got back into prospecting small businessess with Assuritys product and been diggin it.. Now with Todd I can get another source of leads at a pretty solid price.

I'm not swinging from Todds sack, just telling any agents here looking to hook up in the Final expense to give him a call and come up with your own conclusion.

I've only known Todd for a couple weeks now and he's a straight shooter and wont bullsh*t you.

I gotta give the guy credit for dropping YAL and making the effort to get great pricing from a superior lead company.

Dude does lookout for his agents.

If your looking to get into small businesses- contact me, I'll point you in the right direction

Who is FSL?