Oh stop running your mouth like a gossipy bitch. JD revered TT, called him one of the finest people he ever met many times. Maybe he got blindsided and is embarrassed? Leave JD out of this as you wouldn't amount to a pimple on his cantankerous rear end.Wolf of Wall Street (Jordan Belfort) was also a great sales trainer and gave a lot of great advice. In fact there are tons of YouTube videos with him doing training seminars. Just because he is great at that doesn't Give him a clean slate. Anyone that Travis has trained have only spoke highly of his abilities, but his personal life is being exposed.
This isn't a fact but just a thought. If Travis Allowed his family to illegally be on welfare (I'm not buying he didn't know), did he take shortcuts in his own business? Churn business to make money? Replace policies that ethically shouldn't have been replaced? Did he take advantage of ignorant agents?
Sorry, it's just hard to trust a crook...
Regarding JD, he didn't do anything wrong, but the fact that he went into hiding just shows that he was more than just a fex agent. As much great advise as he offered, god forbid you challenged him or disagreed with him otherwise he would just have it out for you and turn into a child with the name calling. And it was much more deeper than telesales and door knocking. It was how many leads you should order, what imo you should be with, certificate vs fraternals, what company to write in certain situations, recruting, and the list goes on. He is a bully, and I'm sure he is feeling a little embarrassed right now...