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As of July 24, 2020 a new version of the Guaranteed Issue Whole Life (GIWL)1 product will be replacing the currently offered one. This new version has a Limited Pay feature, revised premium rates, and a maximum issue age of 80.
Limited Pay Design
Required premium payments will now stop once the insured reaches a specified age as defined in the contract. Maximum payment age will range from ages 82 to 90.
Revised Issue Ages
Ages 50 to 80. (Previously 50-85)
Premium Rates
Premium Rates per $1,0002 will be increasing by 2.5% for all insureds with the exception of males ages 78 to 80 where there will be a premium decrease.
What's Not Changing
Guaranteed issue permanent protection: No health questions to answer, no medical tests. Guaranteed acceptance with face amounts from $5,000 to $25,000 available.3
Innovative accelerated benefits included at no additional charge including Chronic Illness and Terminal Illness accelerated death benefit options.4
State Approvals
As of July 8, 2020 the new Limited Pay GIWL product is not approved in California, where the currently offered product will remain available and unchanged.
Limited Pay Design
Required premium payments will now stop once the insured reaches a specified age as defined in the contract. Maximum payment age will range from ages 82 to 90.
Revised Issue Ages
Ages 50 to 80. (Previously 50-85)
Premium Rates
Premium Rates per $1,0002 will be increasing by 2.5% for all insureds with the exception of males ages 78 to 80 where there will be a premium decrease.
What's Not Changing
Guaranteed issue permanent protection: No health questions to answer, no medical tests. Guaranteed acceptance with face amounts from $5,000 to $25,000 available.3
Innovative accelerated benefits included at no additional charge including Chronic Illness and Terminal Illness accelerated death benefit options.4
State Approvals
As of July 8, 2020 the new Limited Pay GIWL product is not approved in California, where the currently offered product will remain available and unchanged.