Americo or Baltimore Life for Final Expense

_Then why do a lot of FE agents who write for very cheap premium co.'s have poor persistency?

You would have to ask them. I'm sure it has less to do with their premium amount and more to do with their follow-up system, or lack thereof.

_Then why haven't I experienced poor persistency selling a higher premium priced FE policy?

If you're happy with 22% of your business (at least) falling off the books, then by all means, keep doing what you're doing. I've simply found a better way of getting my persistency in the high 90's - yes, even on final expense now.

_Don't you remember learning about "salting the business down" after the sale has just been made? C. Speller (from Sr. Life) is even on one of the audios you had a few months ago when you were touting selling FE...before you shifted to Med Supps.

I am flattered you continue to visit my web page. I did not "shift" from touting selling FE to Med Supps. It was a maturation process that I learned from others that have gone before me to realize that it is in my business' long term best interest to give the best service I can to my senior client. It has also increased my persistency in final expense from around 80% to now in the very high 90's. This is a direct result of starting with the Med Supp relationship. I only wish I had learned this lesson 16 years ago when I first got my license.

Of course I remember my conversation with Charlie Speller that he let me record and share - on persistency. Charlie is a very honorable man and passionate about his company - your company. I can appreciate that company loyalty.

My clients know, without a doubt, that I'm not loyal to my companies more than I am loyal to them. It comes through when I deliver a savings of $50 to $150 per month on their Medicare Supplement policy, not based on which company has the highest commission but based on which company is the best fit for their needs. Then, I enter the conversation about the final expense plan.

Do you see the positioning? Even given this position, though, I would not push them toward an over-priced commodity that they can easily find in the marketplace at a much lower (often 50% lower rate). It would negate everything I had done by trying to save them money on the one hand if they found out I was selling them a much higher-than-needed life policy on the other. I feel my credibility would be in doubt, as I would be clearly exposed as intending to serve my own needs before theirs.

If I can show someone your policy side-by-side with mine, and they can only die once, why would their loyalty remain with the company that is going to take more of their money for the same, exact service? I would stack my relationship with them, having saved them $1,000+ per year on their Med Supps prior to our Final Expense conversation up against your sight-unseen final expense-only conversation any day of the week. It was a learning process to arrive at the conclusion that this was the best way to sell Final Expense.

_If you replace a policy based on saving some $$$ on their premium.....well......don't you think the next premium that is cheaper than you that comes knocking on their door will replace you?

By jove, I think he's got it.

If the issue was $1.25 per month difference, you may have them with your telephone transaction vs. mine, and the trouble to fill out new paperwork would not be justified in their mind.

However, if I just saved them $1,000 per year on their Med Supp and then I see what you put in their house and can save them another $30 per month over your policy, I've got a client for life. I then also have their brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, cousins, friends at their club, their church, etc. Referrals like this, incidentally, hardly ever come from a final expense-only sale made over the telephone in a one-call close.

You do realize that you're defending charging someone a significantly higher rate?

In whose interest is it to fight to charge your client a higher rate? That's a no brainer when you explain to a client that commissions are paid based on premium submitted. Your intentions then, suddenly become crystal clear to them and that relationship you thought you built so strongly through one telephone call suddenly crumbles before your eyes when the client eats of the fruit of knowledge of good & evil and knows they've been had.

Life insurance is a commodity - how much, per thousand, does it cost to accomplish the exact same result. My sole point is that it's in my best interest to provide the best value to my client as I can. I don't understand how you can argue to that it's better to charge a higher rate than the industry norm and how this is in the best interest of the client. Different philosophies, I guess.

My goal is to have a raving fan as a client. Through consistent follow-up and service that includes finding them the best deal in the marketplace, given what's available to me, I'm attaining that goal. And, I think I'm serving my clients in the best way possible by having done so.

By the way, if any agent is out there selling final expense and earning less than 100% and paying for your own leads in this day and age - you are getting robbed.

I just spoke with an agent today that was given an "opportunity" to sell for two of my main companies, too, for 60% commission and the "opportunity" to buy mailer leads at $370 per 1,000 from an agency in California. That's not a deal for you, folks.

Let your conscience be your guide. But I could not sleep at night knowing that I'm charging my client the highest rate in the marketplace for my own benefit and giving my agents, who are doing all the work, less than a fair contract.

This has been a great philosophical discussion, and I'm sure that it could go on and on with company defenses all day long as to how your companies that charge more and pay less are better than mine. Frankly, it's too simplistic a difference to warrant further debate.

Suffice it to say that it's a matter of differing opinions and we can both agree to disagree agreeably.

"Originally Posted by theinsuranceman

I remember in the 1st 7 years when I was doing only face 2 face, on that rare occasion when I had a cheaper premium than what the prospect had just purchased 2 months or so earlier, the prospects would almost always say "we're happy with what we already have", even though I could save them $10-$20 per month. Seems like after 2-3 months the prospect is in their comfort zone. A lot of people resist change, including their FE Co."

Not to get in between you two.
However, Lets say I come into a home that has $10,000 for $20.-$30. more than what I have. I would offer them a few thousand more dollars for a couple dollars less per month. I do not make it about the $20.00. I make it about the $1,000.00s more I can give them.

BTW, I do a lot of phone sales also. Currently working on a $200 WL policy (Assurity) and a $5,500 term policy (Pru). Just finished a larger UL rescue all done by phone. Except picking up the $10,000 check. :laugh: Point is - While I do not write LH ( I Love them) I agree with you that you can do business by phone. I am about 60/40, depends on the month.
You may need to RE-READ my post again...

1. Not trying to compare Sr. Life with any of the Co.'s you just stated. But yes, the premiums are higher. I stated just above that premium price seems to have little bearing on the sale actually happening or on the policy being replaced. This is from my personal experience and my group's experience, both face 2 face and tele-sales.

Come on man, you are the one who brought up SL into a post about Balt. Life and Americo.
And your "personal experience" is being oversold here as you inform us later in this post.

2. Yes, LH is a great FE Co. although others on this forum disagree. LH prices are better than Sr. Life on older people and Sr. Life has better prices on younger people.


3. You say I give crap contracts? OK...tell us what the comm. level is. (You don't know do you?) Charge-backs also NEVER deducted from advance comm. with either Co. Most Co.'s will deduct charge-backs from the agent's next advance. That's why so many FE agents hop around from Co. to Co.

I know exactly what the commish level do you think that i know what the renewals are??? Come on man. They "raised" the contracts to 85% for agents but removed so much residual that its actually a pay cut! No up front charge backs is a nice perk, good agents write enough business that it doesnt matter.

Yes, the contract level is lower than "street level" because they have leads for the agents. Have you ever generated FE DM leads before? Can cost you $30-$40 per lead! And as MOON said recently in another post..."you have to have the juice to drop 2000-3000 pcs. EACH week". That's approx. $800-$1200 you have to shell out of pocket EACH week!

YES I have generated DM leads before, No they dont cost 30-40 unless you generate a really BAD lead! And it doesnt make the contract worthwhile just becuase they sell leads.

4. Never get released lifetime for Lincoln Heritage? Why are making this false and potentially libel statement? You are wrong. If an agent wants to be released from my small group, subject to charge-backs, I would have no problem.

Go ahead and try to get a release and recontract with LH under someone other than S.L. owners. If you have a direct contract or one elsewhere you are good but
Once under SL heirarchy, always under.....they have that deal with LH. Its not Libel, I am speaking from personal experience.

5. Yes there are no renewals on the Easy Issue/Modified plans because they pay you the same comm. as if immediate coverage. No reduction in comm. on these type plans as some other Co.'s do. LH pays 20 points less on these type of plans.... Sr. Life pays same comm. level on these plans. Most of these people are so sick/ill that they won't pay much in renewals anyway
because of their life expectancy.

6. As you may or may not know, LH pays 20 points less on savings draft biz. and also advance only 50 % on savings draft biz.... Sr. Life pays same comm. level on savings draft biz and also 75% advance on savings draft biz.

And they pay 0 PTS after first year on savings,
This is all great info, I know all this....and when you put it on paper LH pays more points in just about any 5 or 10 year span. And if you want to start quoting shorter life expectency etc. etc. why dont you get real and ask why does every other DECENT contract pay back end on poor health????

I've been writing with Sr. Life about 3 mos. now. They raised their comm. levels, etc. few months ago before I started writing for them. Not sure what everything looked like before. LH and Sr. Life are both good Co.'s.

After all the BS you have posted about your 7 and 13 month persistency, you have been writing for 3 mos. now??
WOW! thats messed up man.....
Now, pass me a glass of that Kool-Aid you are drinking.

OK, I am done....Sorry that it had to come down to all that, but I just get sick listening to all that BS. I wish you the best with that organization.....and the Kool Aid I am drinking is a three digit contract, real residuals regardless of health, and rates that are at least 30% lower. I along with others here try to do the best thing for my client.....That means giving them a good price, if not the lowest.
I sold one guy over the phone because he had a Colorado Bankers Life Policy for 4,000 at $54 per month. I said I could give you the same coverage for $48 per month or I can give you another $1,000 in coverage by taking 10 mintues and filling out an application. He only had the policy for 6 months, so he took the $1,000 more in coverage. Still a happy client for over a year now.

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I've never seen anyone as reasonably priced as Oxford; but they're a bit of a pain in the ass to deal with, especially the phone interview. I've written a bunch of Americo business and they are reasonably priced, have a simple app with guaranteed issue built in, and no phone interview. Tough to beat.

I've never seen anyone as reasonably priced as Oxford; but they're a bit of a pain in the ass to deal with, especially the phone interview. I've written a bunch of Americo business and they are reasonably priced, have a simple app with guaranteed issue built in, and no phone interview. Tough to beat.


Americo just became a player again when they did the 15% rate reduction in Nov. Oxford is not an A rated carrier, so that alone puts them out of the conversation for me.

Actually, they are in my conversation with clients. I tell them about Oxford and their low rates for the older clients and then I tell them that Oxford is not an A rated company and that we only deal with A rated companies.

I try to educate my clients about what's out there. I bring up the AARP crap and explain it to them.
I hate threads where people try to "teach" LH agents what they should be doing.
Let them alone. Encourage them to go spread their good deeds.
You must not know that Americo will do random PHI based off of the MIB report. just FYI for this those thinking they never do PHI.

I'm sure that anyome writing Americo kows that. I'm also sure that what was meant by that was that you don't have to do a POS interview. You don't with RNA either, but, they will also call the client on occasion.

I like the option of not having to do POS interviews. They way I run appoinments that stuff really slows down my day and my ability to make all my appointments. Especially when you have to do one like Foresters or UHL that take forever.

On one hand I like the POS because in he said/she said situations, there is the recording to help protect the agent.

So, if I have time, I gravitate to the POS, but, when pressed for time I like the option of not having to do them.