Anyone Using iPad/Tablet To Replace Paper Day Planners?

I use Outlook & Exchange online for all contacts, tasks, and calendar. Syncs up with phone - that is my planner. With Exchange ($4/mo) its simple to keep PHI secure. This is not a CRM substitute.
Imo, the best option for day planner is google calendar synced with an android device. It is so convenient, you can click to turn on navigation, etc.

Phone of choice would be a Galaxy Note 2. I have one now, and its easily the best phone/tablet I've ever owned.
I almost went with Galaxy, decided on Motorola for stronger radio. Slower to release updates, but frequent updates can lead to more bugs.

I also sync through exchange, love clicking on the address & up pops navigation.
There is a salesforce app that syncs with my online account. I like that I can look up my contacts and numbers in the field. But I mostly use my paper planner for my main go to.
I am wondering if any of my colleagues on the forum have switched from a Day Timer/Franklin/Day Runner type system (paper) to a tablet system?

Being an old 'pencil and paper' person, I am trying to evaluate going all electronic with tablet portability (I have iPad).

I see advantages to the all-inclusive capabilities and size of the wireless tablet for anything from CRM to Calendar/Task apps to running quotes and doing apps all on one device. It seems to be the ideal device to replace the old paper planner and add in the functionality of a computer.

If anyone is currently using a tablet for all of their scheduling and selling tasks or has replaced their day planner with a tablet, I'd be curious to know how you've integrated it to get away from a paper day planner and what specific apps you find most useful in terms of replicating the daily planner.

I use a paper day planner in the office. I like the paper because its physical cannot be deleted. I use this for tax records for mileage mostly.
But when i'm in the field, I use google calender. It automatically synch my phone, computer and tablet
Does anyone out there still use the One Card System? Talk about a blast from the past.
When I was captive I customized Salesforce to "mimic" OCS principles. I think OCS has their own electronic version now.
Imo, the best option for day planner is google calendar synced with an android device. It is so convenient, you can click to turn on navigation, etc.

Phone of choice would be a Galaxy Note 2. I have one now, and its easily the best phone/tablet I've ever owned.

What is your review on the Note II now?


I use Outlook & Exchange online for all contacts, tasks, and calendar. Syncs up with phone - that is my planner. With Exchange ($4/mo) its simple to keep PHI secure. This is not a CRM substitute.

I also use outlook. And iTunes. I sync iPhone and iPad to computer. So all devices. Have calendar and contacts updated automatically.
The only issue lately is with Facebook. Putting in info/dates into my calendar. Causing some overload of unwanted information. I will turn off that feature or uninstall Facebook from me desktop computer