Concentration Camps for Us Old Folks in the Name of Protecting Us

@rousemark, you would taste musty and be tough and stringy... ;)

Curfews are in acted for crowed control... if you think other wise you are sore mistaken and are not living in reality.

Just checked, over 1.5 million deaths due to HIV/AIDS this year. Hmm... have they outlawed drug usage or sex for a few months to bring those numbers down and flatten the curve?

I choose truth over facts! :twitchy:
What rock have you lived under for the past several months.

In New York they are called "nursing homes" and the gov. ordered sick people be sent to those locations.

Crazy how it happens right in front of us and we are not seeing it.:wacko:

I am definitely out of the loop! Last few months, lead traffic has picked up big time. I just work, mountain bike, watch netflix at night with my lady. I dont follow the news much, I followed a little before the election, but I already knew what I wanted. The news just has to fill so much airtime, most of it is entertainment driven, to get views, to sell ad space...

I did see some news headline last night, while getting over to netflix, and it was talking about that nursing home thing, and Cuomo. I did not realize that's what they were doing. I wonder what they'll do when tax payers dont move back to NYC.

If I cant influence a change on a topic, I no longer allow it to influence my attitude. Sometimes more challenging than others. We are still lucky to have the problems we have, we could have worse problems I suppose.
I know how you feel... I have been taking in the news cycle in spoon size bites or less. We live in time like none other. I often want to just run and stick my head in the sand, but understand my civic duty is to be vigilante.

A balance of being sane and understanding he insanity of our times. :twitchy:

Just as an aside..

Recovery is kind misleading.

For example, 1% die.

However, you also have a significant amount of people that have ongoing complications well after they recover, including cardiovascular, respiratory, and even neurological disorders.

For example, I have a case now (where I've actually read the medical records) where the person got it in March, who was essentially healthy, who was on O2 until a couple of months ago, and continues to have restrictive air disease.

They also have a slowing EEG reading, neuropathy, and tachycardia.

The effects of CoVID aren't 1/0 like the flu. It's interesting when you see responses like this when you've actually been able to see the last 18 months in a timeline from someone that had complications.

PS: Anyone that says masks don't work...

You are wrong.

But hey... I'm all for Darwinism... Want to catch it, possibly transmit it to your loved ones, and they possibly die or have complications... That's on you. You're going to be the one feeling like garbage..