CVS Accendo or LBL for telesales

I'm trying to decide if Accendo or LBL would be a better go to carrier for people with COPD. This would be for telesales btw.

I've heard that Aetna only issues about 2/3 instantly and that may be bad for telesales? I've also heard that LBL is bipolar with their underwriting. Which one do you think would serve better for this niche in telesales?
Aetna has the easiest process with the code word signature.. That is about all I can say for them.
If no O2, Smoking or Meds - go AmAm level.

Am Am level for what ? Copd ? I did a prosperity direct express today . I just don't like their E-App . I just got a 135% American memorial contract threw One life. I'm going to take 10 fe keads threw them a week to go along with my mapd leads . I actually like the mail piece they mail .Tom I could have sworn I saw you on real senior managements face book page ? You with IFG now ?
Let me ask you this . Are there A fixed cost leads really exclusive . They told me several times they don't resell them there exclusive . You believe it ?