- 687
When I used to door knock leads, I would try them 3 to 4 times a day until I caught them. After day 1, I would start leaving a business card every time that I went by.
If you don't door knock leads now, what do you do? Rely strictly on setting appointments?
Personally, if I am out door knocking I will hit the closest door to my starting point and work my way out to the furtherest door. Then, I will work my way back to the closest and then head home. Usually, I am door knocking 10-15 and covering a 30-60 mile distance so there is not way I would be able to hit each door more than twice. Plus, I just can't see where hitting a house so many times could be an efficient and effective use of my time. But, on the other hand I am not producing $20K a month either.