Difficulty in Contacting People to Set Appointments

When I used to door knock leads, I would try them 3 to 4 times a day until I caught them. After day 1, I would start leaving a business card every time that I went by.

If you don't door knock leads now, what do you do? Rely strictly on setting appointments?

Personally, if I am out door knocking I will hit the closest door to my starting point and work my way out to the furtherest door. Then, I will work my way back to the closest and then head home. Usually, I am door knocking 10-15 and covering a 30-60 mile distance so there is not way I would be able to hit each door more than twice. Plus, I just can't see where hitting a house so many times could be an efficient and effective use of my time. But, on the other hand I am not producing $20K a month either.
Normally summer months r harder 2 set appt due to ppl r going on vacation. When school starts normally everything settles down. 3rd quarter always been my worst quarter followed by 4th quarter always my best quarter. #LifeReform
John -- what are you wearing to the door?

I just have to ask, what should he be wearing to the door?

I've been selling FE for about 2 months and find the biggest negative issue I have is contacting people and setting appointments. I'm buying leads and find that my biggest problem is either getting people to answer the phone or the door when I go door knocking the leads. I'm sure I'm not the only person having this problem but I just can't seem to solve it. When I do get an appointment, my closing ratio is about 35%. I feel I can sell the product....I just can't get people to answer the phone or the door. Any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Get with your upline manager about what you are saying on the phone.

No reason over time to not be able to set an appointment with 10 of 15 leads. The ones that don't have a phone number that you can find you just have to there enough times to catch them home. That is the only time I will approach neighbors. After a few times of not finding them at home I will ask the neighbors what time the person I'm trying to reach is home. They generally know the person's schedule and will tell you.

Failing that I leave a short note at the door.

The most efficient method to sel FE is by setting appointments. There are some successful door knockers but they are not efficient.

I know of one guy that doorknocks his leads to set appintments. He won't go in on the first contact. He also sends them a letter that he will be coming by before he doorknocks them. He does about $175,000 to $200,000 ap every year. He has to use 30 to 35 leads per week. Works for him but that has to be the most inefficient use of time I've seen in the FE business.

Most of the super successful FE agents set appointments.
If you don't door knock leads now, what do you do? Rely strictly on setting appointments?

Personally, if I am out door knocking I will hit the closest door to my starting point and work my way out to the furtherest door. Then, I will work my way back to the closest and then head home. Usually, I am door knocking 10-15 and covering a 30-60 mile distance so there is not way I would be able to hit each door more than twice. Plus, I just can't see where hitting a house so many times could be an efficient and effective use of my time. But, on the other hand I am not producing $20K a month either.

Not strictly, but mostly. I am one of the few agents that I know of that tries to set same day appointments by phone. My thought process is that if they are ready to talk I go ahead and head over while they are in the mood.

I think to be successful working leads it is good to be well rounded. Being able to door knock leads, set next day appointments, same days appointment, and everything else all comes in handy.

I don't swear by anyone method, it really all depends on what you have more of: time, leads, or money.

I would agree with that door knocking leads is not the most effective use of time, but you can make 10 leads last all day if you have the time to burn, and you will make presentations. I personally don't like to work into the wee hours and prefer to be home by 2pm :)
Get with your upline manager about what you are saying on the phone.

No reason over time to not be able to set an appointment with 10 of 15 leads. The ones that don't have a phone number that you can find you just have to there enough times to catch them home. That is the only time I will approach neighbors. After a few times of not finding them at home I will ask the neighbors what time the person I'm trying to reach is home. They generally know the person's schedule and will tell you.

Failing that I leave a short note at the door.

The most efficient method to sel FE is by setting appointments. There are some successful door knockers but they are not efficient.

I know of one guy that doorknocks his leads to set appintments. He won't go in on the first contact. He also sends them a letter that he will be coming by before he doorknocks them. He does about $175,000 to $200,000 ap every year. He has to use 30 to 35 leads per week. Works for him but that has to be the most inefficient use of time I've seen in the FE business.

Most of the super successful FE agents set appointments.

Re the "efficiency" of selling FE. Efficiency is a v. specific term to a statistician. If your probability of a "kept" appt is .66 i.e. two out of three and your "close" is .66 then your probability of closing an "kept" appt is .66 times .66 or .44 of appts. About four out of ten appts will write, right? On the other hand, since I don't make appts, my .66 close on getting in and making the pres and writing is more "efficient." Right? Actually, it's a .95 close, but who's counting? My .63 probablilty beats your .44 and that's why I stopped making appts years ago...
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Re the "efficiency" of selling FE. Efficiency is a v. specific term to a statistician. If your probability of a "kept" appt is .66 i.e. two out of three and your "close" is .66 then your probability of closing an "kept" appt is .66 times .66 or .44 of appts. About four out of ten appts will write, right? On the other hand, since I don't make appts, my .66 close on getting in and making the pres and writing is more "efficient." Right? Actually, it's a .95 close, but who's counting? My .63 probablilty beats your .44 and that's why I stopped making appts years ago...

Remember this is all f(x), where x=time....(function of time). Which method makes you the most PROFIT per unit of time? That is your correct answer.
Re the "efficiency" of selling FE. Efficiency is a v. specific term to a statistician. If your probability of a "kept" appt is .66 i.e. two out of three and your "close" is .66 then your probability of closing an "kept" appt is .66 times .66 or .44 of appts. About four out of ten appts will write, right? On the other hand, since I don't make appts, my .66 close on getting in and making the pres and writing is more "efficient." Right? Actually, it's a .95 close, but who's counting? My .63 probablilty beats your .44 and that's why I stopped making appts years ago...

I don't know what you are trying to say but the op asked about solutions to problems calling his leads. You jumped in with an alternative method and even said nonsensically that it should be a felony to call leads.

But since you want to opine on the best way let's ut persee your qualifications to make such assertions. How many leads do use per week? How many apps do you write per week? How much prodution do you do per week. Same questions for month and year. Nothing but personal production.

You may be qualified to give instructions or you may not.