Digital BGA - experience and telemarketing leads?

I don't think you're missing anything. One time cost to produce video. Continuous ad/click buying. It does cost money just not as much as people are lead to believe.
Guessing you shut your live transfer down because you have a better close ratio on TV/Streaming/Internet click to call leads.

No. This isn't the reason. We disclosed the reason to all our agents and not prepared to share our data/findings with the industry yet.

One time production cost of a video/commercial. Why the giant jump in price?

I wish it were that easy. We make edits to the commercials and test new creative weekly. All based on sales rates and cost per call.

These are TV leads. Streaming, Cable/Broadcast and Infomercials. It's expensive. I don't think you understand how much this costs.

My only point is it doesn't cost anything near what you are charging to shoot fish in that barrel.

You're misinformed on how much it costs to generate these. Check the source feeding you this misinformation because it's clear you're not talking from experience.

If they were that cheap to generate, every agency would have these.
Do you buy your vegetables or do you grow them. Growing isn't buying just like generating isn't buying. I generate with a co-op group of agents call in leads/click to call the exact same leads that is being talked about for $15 a lead. We all take between 5 and 10 a day.. If you are buying call in leads from $32-65 a lead you are selling a product and you ARE a product.
Do you buy your vegetables or do you grow them. Growing isn't buying just like generating isn't buying. I generate with a co-op group of agents call in leads/click to call the exact same leads that is being talked about for $15 a lead. We all take between 5 and 10 a day.. If you are buying call in leads from $32-65 a lead you are selling a product and you ARE a product.

Are you selling FE? If so, how much?
Do you buy your vegetables or do you grow them. Growing isn't buying just like generating isn't buying.
Generating, buying, growing, whatever.
It is a revenue cost to generate leads no matter how you acquire them.
I focus on my return on investment and return on my time.
If my $75 lead generates 3k in commissions and your $15 dollar lead generates 600, we're in the same boat from a cost perspective, but you've spent more time.

And eating vegetables is worthless, just ask Al Michaels.
I generate with a co-op group of agents call in leads/click to call the exact same leads that is being talked about for $15 a lead.

No you don't. We know what it costs to generate a call in lead via FB and Google via click to call and the data behind it.

Now I know you're a troll with this made up data. You're anonymous and this is straight up trolling.
I would have no problem telling you who I am IRL and you KNOW costs are closer to my number than yours. It's not rocket science. Most people don't have the initial cost to do the video production so they get enslaved by a reduced comp or weekly or monthly lead spend but the ongoing costs are in line with what I stated.