Door Knocking List


100+ Post Club
Any pointers on how to properly door knock a list that you've already mailed? Not just knocking lead cards...
Arrange the list in order similar to the way the post office does itby carrier code.Download an app to arrange a route.
Go out and hit.
I'm looking for advice on the approach...I've never door knocked without lead card...however, most don't remember filling it out
Just looking for good way to approach them without lead card
Any pointers on how to properly door knock a list that you've already mailed? Not just knocking lead cards...
If you are going to knock the non repliers on a list you mailed, you might as well knock the other doors in the neighborhood.. You can always introduce yourself and then say, "I am calling on folks who may have received a notice similar to the one we mailed out last week (Show the mailer).. Have you received something like this? (yes/No) Well, as you can see we specialize in helping people____________. Is this something you have ever given any thought to?" (if yes ---"What action did you take") .. (if no--- state a few facts leading to the need) -- Then ask to step inside to share information with them.. I am sure you can take it form there..
If you can get an excel file from the mail list, import it into streets and trips, and it will optimize all 1000 stops for you.

Better yet, save your money from sales, put more into marketing as you make more, and never have to door knock again!
Before I had enough leads to fill the day, I did it with something like

Last week my company mailed out a card like this "show card", we haven't gotten yours back yet, but I was on your street talking with Mrs. X. While I'm here I can answer any questions you have and give you a quick quote. It'll only take 5 minutes.

Before I had enough leads to fill the day, I did it with something like

Last week my company mailed out a card like this "show card", we haven't gotten yours back yet, but I was on your street talking with Mrs. X. While I'm here I can answer any questions you have and give you a quick quote. It'll only take 5 minutes.


Should work.. Anything that can get the conversation started..
That streets and trips program sounds like a great program I'm going to have to check it out

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