Door to Door Idea

To answer your questions, I have been hitting up restaurants instead. It is cold and I want a warm place to go into. Standing on the porch all day wasn't very to my liking. I did got some appts. for the restaurants to review their BOP and workers comp. no deals yet. Tomorrow, I will do PL. Wish me luck. If anyone see on the news Asian insurance man got shot, that would be me. Anyway, I hope it doesn't snow. ;)

All joking aside, door knocking when it is cold and raining is a good time to do it. Everyone is home at that time, they want to be warm and dry. Your contact ratio will be really high.
desertsun said:
Hello OneFastPony, that is one impressive sales system you've come up with! I have a question for you. How do you find your original list of new homeowners?

I will guess Mortgage filings at the county courthouse.
I will guess Mortgage filings at the county courthouse.

I have access to SalesGenie that I use to gather a list of "confirmed" homeowners within the past three months. I then run that list against the clerk of the court in order to see if there is a spouse since SalesGenie will only give you one name on the home.

Also, by cross referencing with the clerk of the court I can pull the mortgage amount, years, and what length of loan it is, or whether there is a mortgage on the property at all.

While in the clerk of the courts site I also check filings for any other properties the party may own which could give me an idea if they are property investors, any divorce filings, marriage, judgements, etc...

Now, since I've checked the clerk of the court for the legal things on the property I then cross reference the local property appraiser that gives me a breakdown of the home. It gives SQ2 footage, type, land size, and neighborhood info.

To go one step further I then will cross reference the owner(s) of the home with LinkedIn to see if they have a profile and what there job description is.

Yes, it is a little bit of a pain in the butt, but I feel that when I door knock them I have about as much information on them that I can get to make it as warm knock as much as possible.
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Just a reference point. I went back to my office last night after dinner with my family to set up my door kncoking for today. I gathered a list of about 75 new homeowners within the past three months.

I did all of my research and narrowed my list to 49 doors to be knocked on later. The reason for the change in #'s is because some of the homes have no mortgage at all, they were paid cash for. Other homes have the owners marriage record on file and I feel they are out of my "target" audience in regards to age. I focus on 28-45 y/o.

I will be knocking on these doors today and I will report my findings later tonight. Hopefully with at least 5 solid prospects.
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That's really resourceful and good to know since we just purchased SalesGenie. I think I might implement that myself. I never really know what to say though when folks ask, "Where did you get my information??"

Thanks for that tidbit!
I have access to SalesGenie that I use to gather a list of "confirmed" homeowners within the past three months. I then run that list against the clerk of the court in order to see if there is a spouse since SalesGenie will only give you one name on the home.

Also, by cross referencing with the clerk of the court I can pull the mortgage amount, years, and what length of loan it is, or whether there is a mortgage on the property at all.

While in the clerk of the courts site I also check filings for any other properties the party may own which could give me an idea if they are property investors, any divorce filings, marriage, judgements, etc...

Now, since I've checked the clerk of the court for the legal things on the property I then cross reference the local property appraiser that gives me a breakdown of the home. It gives SQ2 footage, type, land size, and neighborhood info.

To go one step further I then will cross reference the owner(s) of the home with LinkedIn to see if they have a profile and what there job description is.

Yes, it is a little bit of a pain in the butt, but I feel that when I door knock them I have about as much information on them that I can get to make it as warm knock as much as possible.
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Just a reference point. I went back to my office last night after dinner with my family to set up my door kncoking for today. I gathered a list of about 75 new homeowners within the past three months.

I did all of my research and narrowed my list to 49 doors to be knocked on later. The reason for the change in #'s is because some of the homes have no mortgage at all, they were paid cash for. Other homes have the owners marriage record on file and I feel they are out of my "target" audience in regards to age. I focus on 28-45 y/o.

I will be knocking on these doors today and I will report my findings later tonight. Hopefully with at least 5 solid prospects.

It sounds like your system works for you. It would drive me nuts to get that much info. I don't spend a lot of time researching other than a name, address, mortgage amount and lender. If I started refrencing and cross referencing, I would start developing some serious call reluctance. ("How could I even begin to approach them unless I get ALL their information?")
You could just as easily start with the records in the county clerks office and search mortgage filings in the last 3 months it would GI e you all that info and your already there to pull the marriage info...I know I can pull the same info from home but the systems at the courthouse are just plain faster than what I can do from home...But I never thought to pull marriage info to weed out people outside a certain demographic....

I used to get a lot of 70+ people responding to mortgage life mailers and it was hard to transition from talking about covering thier 100k+ nitrate to a final expense product that might be affordable.
If I started refrencing and cross referencing, I would start developing some serious call reluctance. ("How could I even begin to approach them unless I get ALL their information?")

I can see your point but it only takes me about a minute per candidate. I have all of my corresponding websites open and copy/paste to save time.
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Well I went out knocking my list today...started at noon and finished at five. All in all I knocked 39 doors with 19 of them with no answer. Of the19 half of them had no interest while the other half said they would call...I won't hold my breath.

But the first home I knocked on looks to be worth all of the trouble though. I knocked and at first the woman was a little apprehensive until I charmed her with my wit :cool:. She started talking and then she invited me in. I told her I had to shut my car off since I wasn't planning on doing a sitdown.

Once inside she introduced me to her live in B/F and then proceeds to say that he wants an FE policy, for me to shop out his auto, home, and a life policy for his 18 y/o son. The woman wants an FE policy as well.

They gave me the DEC pages for their home and auto(s) that I wll be giving to the P&C side in my office on Monday.

Just this one door knock will make the whole day of knocking worthwile. :)
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That information process makes my head spin. In your post, when you're referring to all of these offices, do you mean their respective websites? Or do you physically drive to each location and make a request to some teller? Sounds like you're doing really well, by the way!
The more I thought about the vest, I like it, neighborhood knocking. They will think you are with a utility company and answer the door. Hi, I want to introduce myself. My name is Tom --------, i am with ------- your local insurance agency. We offer a free look see serves, to go over all your insurance policies, to make sure you understand what you have. I would not say you are a new agent.
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If somone tried the vest and the hard hat, and it worked. You would see. 100's of hard hat and vested insurance agent. I may try it. I look good in fluorescent green.
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The more I thought about the vest, I like it, neighborhood knocking. They will think you are with a utility company and answer the door. Hi, I want to introduce myself. My name is Tom --------, i am with ------- your local insurance agency. We offer a free look see serves, to go over all your insurance policies, to make sure you understand what you have. I would not say you are a new agent.
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If somone tried the vest and the hard hat, and it worked. You would see. 100's of hard hat and vested insurance agent. I may try it. I look good in fluorescent green.

Hey sure to post some pics too