E-64 Lead Quality Question

Thats a lot BS and exaggeration by many of the posters and top producers just to claim fame. Can"t undesrstand why they keep saying this when the production they have is good enough.:yes:

Nah its true, most appts im out in 45 mins, unless i find that special widow with 3 policies that she is overpaying by $150 month lol, then ill stay about an hour and a half but most appts are 45 mins and under.


I knew you'd eventually go to LH!

Thats typical, seeing how he is not really an fe guy lol :)
I knew you'd eventually go to LH!

I have been a secret recruiter all along.


Nah its true, most appts im out in 45 mins, unless i find that special widow with 3 policies that she is overpaying by $150 month lol, then ill stay about an hour and a half but most appts are 45 mins and under.


Thats typical, seeing how he is not really an fe guy lol :)

I will have you know that I wrote a $22.mo DE SNL FE plan off of a store bought lead and it NSF'd. If that does not count what does?
I'm just getting around to reading this.

Something the average reader doesn't get us that SpurCity, Gooner, JG and I have been texting each other all day away from the forum.