- 5,243
I'm #1 in the country for Trinity and my persistency with them this year is 95% In order to win their trip you have to have at least an 85% persistency and I won their trip last year. I think my persistence was 89% My stuff stays on the books pretty good---------- I have total respect for you as well, we just simply won't agree on this matter. And it's not that I'm just buying a lot of leads and working more than the next guy. I'm pretty efficient when I get in front of somebody. If I sit down with somebody there's a 75% chance that I'm walking out with a sale. If I only got 20 leads a week I would still sell 75% of the people I'm in front of. I would just make a lot less money per year and that can't happen because I have a wife that likes fancy shoes
The average reader here probably doesn't realize that I chat with both of you guys regularly...that being said...
I'm a 3 reasons guy, but I wouldn't say that my presentation time nor my closing ratio is that far off from yours. I'm consistently closing 75% of my sits and I usually run appts on the hour as well...
It's just a preference thing...has JG said earlier Spur is getting a reason...he just does it a little different...I switch my presentation sometimes depending on the situation and I'll jump right into the "so you need insurance" talk...it all works.
Who's presentation is "better" is irrelevant. I think this was cleared up earlier with JG posted the 'gist' of Spurs presentation.
Now you guys go drink some damn beers and quit fighting.
And since you guys made such a big deal about saying you respect each other...I'll leave you with this...