Experience with Senior Life ?

I seem to recall that you're with Lincoln Heritage. Is that correct? If so, how would LH compare to SL on some of these points that others have pointed out, especially the last couple posts from @titeye ?

I'm not meaning to pick, but LH seems to have a similar reputation on these forums, and I've been told that SL was originally just a clone of LH.

My personal opinion is that while there are points that would be negative for me, both companies fill a particular niche in the industry. There are many agents who are just better served in that environment. Many, who would certainly fail trying to work as independents, are often very successful working within a captive system.

Senior Life used to be one of the imos with lincoln. The second largest one when they left.

They went from being an imo to being an insurance carrier. Honestly, this is very expensive and very hard to accomplish.

It's kind of like when you buy a house. How you can't borrow your down payment. Starting a company is the same. The managers and owners of senior Life put in their own money to start a company. A huge risk and a huge investment.

It's impressive no matter what anyone thinks about the company. A great accomplishment for the owners.

Even though senior Life was an imo with lincoln they are a lot different. Which is why they left.

They both finance leads and provide them. Which is also very expensive and has a very high liability. This is the main difference between lh sl and most life companies.

It's also a reason why they have a bad wrap about debt and taking advantage of agents. It's agent debt, the pricing of their product, and wanting all of those agents to send them all their business and being really loud about it. And a lot of over zealous managers.

But as anyone that has been around the block will tell you. All CO's are basically the same. Pricing is different. Commissions are different. Products vary slightly.

But in the end, all they want is for you to sign people up. They ALL want you to send your business only to them. They want to pay the least amount for you to do this. They want the least amount of liability while you're doing this, and to pay the least amount of claims.

As soon as it's not profitable to have you agents write business. They will pull a product, lower commissions. Or they will sell, all make a shit ton of money, and we'll be here bitching about different companies.

I hear a lot about top commissions. Even for imos, the top isn't as high as people think. 150 percent is a ton. Even at the imo level. Imos don't have that high of contracts with most companies even if they write millions a month.
But as anyone that has been around the block will tell you. All CO's are basically the same. Pricing is different. Commissions are different. Products vary slightly.

But in the end, all they want is for you to sign people up. They ALL want you to send your business only to them. They want to pay the least amount for you to do this. They want the least amount of liability while you're doing this, and to pay the least amount of claims.
Not all companies want you to sign people up nor do they want you send your business only to them If you choose to do so, they don't object but they don't push it. I have gone to a lot of company meetings where companies have acknowledged that the agent is going to put business elsewhere and even discussed the advantages of doing so..
I saw where I could offer some advice to someone who had a question. Why are you ridiculing me for that? Are you the playground bully? LOL
So now you want us to believe that the reason you couldn't keep your word to own self is that you returned only to "offer some advice to someone who had a question." If that's true, what's your excuse for returning to post me??? I didn't ask you anything. What is it about posting me that benefits the hungry, coachable and loyal agents, as you so eloquently put it?

I have decided that this will be my last post on this forum. I'm now going to work a little smarter for 2021. The blocks of time I've spent up here are going to be replaced by conversations with agents who are hungry, coachable, and loyal.
Stop trying to change the narrative. It was you who wrote, "I have decided that this will be my last post on this forum... blah, blah, blah." I didn't write it. You stuck your foot in your own mouth and proved the point I've been making about you all along. You are incapable of being completely truthful, even if it's only to yourself. That is the reason you are being publicly ridiculed.
If you were truly genuine and interested in helping hungry, coachable agents, as you say you are, you would help them by addressing the elephant in the room; Senior Life's New and Improved Aggressive Compensation plan discussed in a previous post. Contribute to that conversation, why don't you? I'm certain your hungry, loyal and coachable agents would love to hear your from you concerning the subject. One way or the other, I'm sure they would benefit. Funny how you conveniently disappear from conversations that challenge you to be honest and truthful concerning Senior Life Insurance Co.

Open mouth, insert foot! :D:D
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So now you want us to believe that the reason you couldn't keep your word to own self is that you returned only to "offer some advice to someone who had a question." If that's true, what's your excuse for returning to post me??? I didn't ask you anything. What is it about posting me that benefits the hungry, coachable and loyal agents, as you so eloquently put it?

Stop trying to change the narrative. It was you who wrote, "I have decided that this will be my last post on this forum... blah, blah, blah." I didn't write it. You stuck your foot in your own mouth and proved the point I've been making about you all along. You are incapable of being completely truthful, even if it's only to yourself. That is the reason you are being publicly ridiculed.
If you were truly genuine and interested in helping hungry, coachable agents, as you say you are, you would help them by addressing the elephant in the room; Senior Life's New and Improved Aggressive Compensation plan discussed in a previous post. Contribute to that conversation, why don't you? I'm certain your hungry, loyal and coachable agents would love to hear your from you concerning the subject. One way or the other, I'm sure they would benefit. Funny how you conveniently disappear from conversations that challenge you to be honest and truthful concerning Senior Life Insurance Co.

Open mouth, insert foot! :D:D

I changed my mind about adding info to people asking for it. You've never changed your mind before? Why on earth are you picking over something so insignificant?

There's nothing for me to say about SL's new commission structure. It's in English and very simple to understand. Here's a couple of things to glean from it.

It guarantees that an agent will never start below 90% FYC. Protects new green agents from being taken advantage of by a greedy manager. Protects one agent from starting at 80% while another less qualified agent starts at 110% simply because of 2 different managers. It levels the playing field for SL all agents no matter who their manager is.

Issue $5k in one month and the agents promotes themselves to 95%. Issue $10k in one month and agents promotes themselves to 100%. Each step up the ladder is more challenging to achieve.

It's also designed to recruit the agencies doing $700k+ per month. SL will grow much faster recruiting large agencies rather than individual agents.

It's also designed to encourage recruiting and growth.

This is all common sense to me. I'm sure there's a few other carriers that put production requirements on commission levels, isn't that correct?

Agents that had any questions about the commission structure or our opportunity could take the initiative and easily PM me (some did).

The tone of your post sounds rather hostile. Not sure why you act so bitter. Hope your day improves. Go write an app....your bitterness will turn into happiness.
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